We are due for a no skill hero. We have had wrecking ball, Ashe, Baptiste and sigma

These are all very skilled heroes. I know we had brig and Moira before but We need a no aim hero!!





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Please stop conflating aim with skill.


Last time we tried a noskill hero, we had goats for a year.

Please not again.


We don’t speak of that in this thread. Ngl tho, goats better than double shield double sniper doomfist

Hell to the nah to the nah nah

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Aint you with a dumb comment


Ashe is a two-star difficulty hero. The other heroes you’ve mentioned are all three-star heroes.

And there’s no pattern to the difficulty of heroes released.

Sigma does not take skill. I dont care what anyone says


I just love how people just simply forget that Sombra exists.

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ok, but he does.

When M/GM players and other pros go on and on about how Sigma is really hard to use and get gud at, it’s prob a safe bet to consider him a high skill hero.


Are we calling Brigitte a skill hero now?

Aim is a skill, whether you like it or not.

I never said that aim wasn’t a skill, I said to stop conflating the two. There are plenty of skillful heroes who don’t require much in the way of aim, Winston being a prime example.


Nah atleast in double shields you have dps heroes

We definitely doesn’t need more low skill celling heroes
But low skill floor heroes are welcomed.


Frankly we need a DPS hero who can get guaranteed value in a brawl like Sym 2.0.

yall really need to stop falling for these baits.

Well, I’m not the only one who noticed this, it’s because their whole concept of balance focus around the “0” they are not superior to the any other hero. Except for the the sigma barrier, which is not a problem, when he’s alone, but it’s a problem when he is with orisa. Infact the nerfed orisa shield cooldown, but as expected, it’s not enough.

No, we don’t need a no aim hero. All of them have been a problem for us all. Aside from the fact they are boring to play.
So no.

Moira? No skill, I will grant she has a lower skill floor on account of her lower aim healing but resource management is a skill as is decision making.

You have to choose to attack or heal at every moment:
Attacking heals you, damages the enemy, and restores some healing resource.
Healing gives your ally healing over time and a burst of healing (while being channeled).

You can:

  1. Constantly channel healing, allowing your teammate to deal all of the damage
  2. Constantly attack, healing yourself and helping to kill a target faster also consider the enemy will deal less damage overall if you help them die faster.
  3. Heal a little then attack, your ally gets some healing overtime and you aid them in killing a target faster.
  4. Attack a little, then when your ally gets low dump healing resume attacking (get immediate damage/resource regen with a sudden burst of healing)
  5. Use a damage or healing orb then do the opposite (best of both worlds)
  6. Use a damage or healing orb and do the same (doubling down on your choice)
  7. just shoot either a damage or healing orb towards them and assist elsewhere (splitting your focus).
  8. Ignore them to focus on a more important target

You have to decide which to do within seconds, because thats the time it takes for most heroes to kill, and during a team fight you have to do that constantly.

Thats often why you don’t see Moira in top play because compared to other supports choices (many of which do more than just heal such as speed boost, rez or immortality field) Moira doesn’t really compete.