Way to remove the walls of the no entry zone

Is there a way to remove the walls of the noentry zone is in front of the enemy team’s spawn room?
Earlier, when I was playing with someone else’s mod, I realized wall has removed.
I didn’t know which script could do it.

That depends on the mode and mode’s game state you currently play, which game mode you play on? If you wanna strip them off directly and dirty, the action Disable Collision with Enviroment for Players with the Include Floors set to false may could work or teleporting them over the walls when nearby. But be aware if players ran into their opponents team spawn they may take damage depending on the game mode you based this on you play with.


It included five modes: skirmish, deathmatch, escort, assault, and hybrid.
During the game, I moved to the front of the respawn room of both teams, but neither had a no-entry wall and was able to come and go.
It’s not “DisableMovementCollisionWithEnvironment” because there was a collision detection on the wall.

Moving an active respawn room does not allow you to move or remove off-limits walls. This causes the problem that when you create the required game object on any surface of the map, the object is created in an unreachable location and you cannot continue the game. It has plagued me for years.
It can be very cool if you have the option to remove the off-limits wall.

Sorry what do you mean excactly what are you trying to do? Disable enviroment collision allows you to go anywhere as you wanted, even off bound box. And on which scenario exactly should custom created game objects involved, you can place them also anywhere and only got restricited within the bounding box when you use Ray Casts, maybe what you really want achieve can only be done when we get any mechanics to work with physics especially the collision and be able to remove the collisions of the bounding boxes which determines the areas we should normally play on. Edit: Could you provide an in-game screenshoot to gain a clue which walls you referring to?


I will assume you are referring to the yellow spawn/map barriers.

There is no way to remove a barrier currently in the Workshop, however there are ways to effectively bypass it by using Disable Movement Collision With Environment.

Most of these noclipping barrier rules have the player with no movement collisions all the time. The movement collision is only turned back on when a line of sight check fails or a raycast position is not a certain distance away from the player. Barriers do not break line of sight (unless specified in actions) and raycasts go through them, so players will be able to pass through.