Washington Justice vs. Philadelphia Fusion - OWL NA Playoffs - FINAL

they have to get through shanghai first…

they actually got Decay to hop off Zarya…i think thats pretty telling

Washington is at critical mass…:boom:


Decay’s Zarya was so good the past few days on Volkskya, and now he’s the hog player. It’s over, Justice is mentally defeated.

Blame the coaching. The players may already know what to play. They may be just following orders.

And done. Washington had a great run.

Final Score


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Ouch, I feel so bad for Ark.

Today’s matches were about as disappointing as Playoffs can possibly get. Hopefully Finals are less off a steamroll.

What was wrong with Jjanu? Hard throwing and had only landed 2 hooks after last’s MVP game??? Against a zen, no hog should ever try to push their health pool below 25%, he should of fed less and not go below 50% and maybe he wouldn’t have been dove so much. lol