Washington Justice vs. New York Excelsior - NOW LIVE

I am having war flashbacks of ’ bang ’ voice line because of it right now.

Hey everyone sorry for my absense, nightmares of my older job resurfaced as my game room card system crashed so I had to fix that. Good match so far?

Yes DC didn’t got stomp all games.

NYXL look far better, they were kinda sandbagging on Horizon

Justice got one, but they only got about halfway to the second point on the last map.

Fairly one sided but Washington did take a map when NYXL tried a new strat.

My favourite part of this season is the variation in comps between GOATS on attack and GOATS on defence

Washington are looking strong, they’re just dipping their toes into this season so a lot of the issues they’re hiccups can really be excused.

alllrighty, i am back…
just got suprise in form of :beers: … so yea, OWL, chillin … :3

As opposed to dive on attack and dive on defense, or double sniper of attack and double sniper of defense last season.
Last season’s bunker comps were about as common as this season’s quad-DPS.
Overall, same amount of variety

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I agree, why have 29 heroes when you can just use the 6 best ones.

hows JUSTICE doing? just tuned in and dont know how they are looking like… good? bad?

Yep, allow me to catch you up:

Control: NYXL 2, Washington 0
Hybrid: NYXL 1, Washington 0
Assault: NYXL 0, Washington 1
Escort: NYXL 2, Washington 1

Feel free to update and open up a new thread.


As best one can against NY when you are fresh

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DC got stomp 3 games of 4 LUL NY give DC the 3rd LUL.

Of the 18 we’ve seen so far, I’d say they’re probably #16. Mayhem and Fuel behind

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It’s more like 8-10 when you consider the subs within the meta comp. This meta has Winston or Hammond in for Rein, Moira or Ana in for Zen.

Final Score


WATCH LIVE: TwitchOverwatch LeagueMLGESPN3

Next match starting here:

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