WASD Issues cannot move left

Hello, for the past couple weeks, during an overwatch game, I am not able to move left using the A key. The issue usually goes away after 10-30 seconds, but by then I get killed, and it does not happen at any particular time, or map. I see this has been an issue before, but can’t find anyone that has a remedy. I usually play Soldier 76. Any suggestions?

Have you swapped your keyboard to see if there is a hardware issue?

Yes, still having the issue.

Hey Shadow,

Do you happen to have Logitech Gaming Software installed (or any similar software like Corsair Link or Razer)? We’ve noticed an influx of players having this problem which have LGS on their PC. We’re not sure if it’s related yet, or where the incompatibility lies, but if you do have the software, can you temporarily uninstall it and then restart your computer. Knowing whether or not this works will help us narrow this down some.

Yes, I do have Logitech software for my headset, but I have had this software and headset when I first started playing overwatch and it wasn’t until recently that the problem started. Either way, I uninstalled and restarted the game. It still has the same issue.

Did you restart the PC as well? That’s the big piece of the picture I’m currently missing - I haven’t heard back from anybody who’s both uninstalled Logitech and restarted their PC yet. To be frank, I don’t think it’s necessarily LGS ITSELF that is the problem, it’s just diagnostic information we’re looking into in order to move forward and figure out where the breakdown is.

Yes, I did restart the computer.

Hey, Shadow! Did you check the keybindings in Overwatch and for the Hero if its happened specifically on one Hero? It can help to try resetting the in-game settings back to default to be sure. Could you try closing background applications to ensure it’s not a background application? We’ve seen this recently due to third party applications. It may be one that we haven’t called out or seen yet.

If it continues, please contact our Technical Support team directly with both system files so that we can check for any applications that could cause the movement key issue.

Edit: We have a main thread for this report here.