Was thinking of possible coming back. Is RQ still around?

Just want to know if I should bother downloading the game again

Yes RQ is still here. Right now there’s a limited arcade event in the form of pre-RQ competitive mode, but it’s set to expire after 4 weeks.

Damn, that’s a shame

Or maybe it might not expire.

Devs have pointed out it’s extremely popular compared to other game modes. Especially in Korea.


You could just play Quick Play Classic in Arcade if you don’t enjoy RQ

It’s never going away, thankfully. Only DPS mains want teams of 4-5 dps

This is why I want it to stay.
It’s a sponge to soak up excess DPS players.

And might even soak up some Tanks/Supports that play like DPS.

And even if somebody ends up playing Tank or Support in Open Queue, they could have intended to play DPS when they queued.

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Yes, it would be nice if it stuck around as a permanent card. I’d like to see it replace our current QPC. It could be a fast queue, unfettered, competitive format (teams take turns on offense and defense), that awards CPs and has a tight MMR matchmaker with its own ranks and ladder to satisfy those who are unhappy with Role Queue.