Was Sigma Supposed to go live in Ranked?

Is this a mistake or it was intended. Its kinda worrying to get a tank player who is playing Sigma and he’s been out on live for less than 24hrs. I get that this Beta season is just that a Beta but i don’t think its right.

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Better have him under test phase like beta competitive for people to gain better experience than in QP.

The QP mentality will not go away just because we have 2-2-2.


I was super surprised when I queued for a game and he was selectable. Maybe they didn’t lock him down this time since this current competitive season is a shorter test anyway.

I’m surprised that so many people seem reluctant to try him out considering it’s a beta season, at least in silver. I figured the other tank would instalock him so I played Zarya a lot on the PTR, but now it’s hit Live I’ve got Sigma every time, despite offering the good doctor to the other tank. Go figure. :woman_shrugging:


Omg! I didn’t know he was available! Heck yeah!

But at least players will learn how the hero works before playing in comp…

Him being added to rank was the wrong thing to do.

That doesn’t mean Sr doesn’t matter. It’s still tracking you and deciding you were you’re going to be for the next season.

The only difference is there’s no number attracted to the season.

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I think they made him playable because it’s a beta season. So it’s technically not a comp season.

Gives players a chance to actually test him in a comp like environment because QP still doesn’t have 222 for the time being.

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This is my take on it as well.

Normally new characters aren’t in ranked to give people time to adjust to playing with and against new heroes. Considering that the current ranked season is purely to get people used to how role queue works, that limitation isn’t really necessary for the current season of ranked.

But for future ranked seasons, I’d expect the restriction to still be in place.

After the Beta Season we are going to get a Rank reset for the next Season so yeah the SR doesnt matter

Lol are you sure about this?

That hasn’t been confirmed. In fact they said they were already tracking different role sr before announcing 222. So they already had a good idea about where players belong.

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Ikr. it is a bit of a funny decision. I donno

It doesn’t, WyomingMist confirmed that the beta will not be tracked for purposes of determining your MMR for competitive next season.

thanks for that. much appreciated.