Was OW Better At Launch?

Nah. Think of it like unlimited heroes and a way buggier game with tons of broken characters. OW is in a p good state rn imo (prior to the shield nerf, haven’t seen the impact to judge/doubt it’ll do anything radical).

More arcade stuff, skins, role queue, custom games, etc. no brainer

The games mechanics are balanced. The community is the problem and blizzard refuses to add competitive options that allow you to build a proper team

The game was better at launch being it was new, everyone was going try hard 24/7 (we only had QP), the player base was a higher ratio of “good players” and we did not have any sort of meta or correct way to play just yet.

Balance wise, it’s really tough to say it was or wasn’t better, it was just different.

No hero limit was awful
Mercy rez was tilting
Draws and 2cp were terrible

Yeah there were a lot of bad things in the day, I wouldn’t say it was better tho. Imo season 4 and 5 was probably the most fun I had (reflected because I’ve got >100 hours in both seasons lol)

I started playing in S3 and the current state of the game is almost nothing like how it used to be.

In many ways there have been improvements, but conversely as many negative things, most of which relate to new hero’s.

CC is terrible game design.


People think the start of OW was alot better than now

But that’s because they don’t remember the bad, only the good.
And because no one knew what the hell they were doing
I mean Space and time Hook!?

Zen only 150 health!(I don’t remeber ifthis was only beta, I didn’t play Zen then. But case still stands)

900 health Winston bubbles

Lucio Speed+amp×6 being stackable

I could go on and on about what was worse about those times

The 1 thing I do know this game needs from the olds days however: Weekly Brawls

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Two words.
Coin. Flip.

I mean its cool that shes a pretty great hero but she still does have 2 CC abilities with her coach gun and Bob knock up, along with the DoT you mentioned. So your total of abilities that make you lose control of your character is 12 not 10.

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No it was just newer. Ask anyone who knows. Early comp was pure evil.

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I will summariz the state of ow vs when it first launched

When overwatch was new it was shiny and new. Everyone and their granmdmother played competitive. You could climb to platinum alt tabbed out of the game.

Now days sub 2000 games are a graveyard of washed up plats and diamond plus smurfs trolling cause all the real bronze and silver players quit.

Watch some old videos of sayt diamond play from like season 2. You will laugh till it hurts at how bad it is for current standards. That sort of play wont get you out of silver now.

The game was shiny and new back then. Now everyone has moved on to minecraft aka fortnite. Man I miss season 5. I literally was winning games inebriated.

Yes the game was much better in the early months of the launch. There was much less crowd control or CC, and much less characters have a utility of an army at their disposal. I think there has been over 10 forms of CC added to the game with some characters having multiple forms of CC. This game is exactly how World of Warcraft became and that is casual and boring.

Agreed. It’s really not fun to lose control of your character and not be able to do anything except watch it die. That seems to happen a lot these days.

Overwatch is way better now. No more mass rez. Remember old roadhog? Scatter arrow? Old OW was trash compared to what we have now.

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I think I believe OW was better at lunch

by around after dinner hour overwatch is best not to be cosumed later in the evenings

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fan the hammer mccree is back heh

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OW was much better at launch, despite a number of design flaws, because people could actually play the game and enjoy their characters. The copious CC, healing, and shield spam that exists in the current OW meta makes the game inherently unfun and unrewarding. At launch, you could actually make plays and win games without pressing Q, unlike now, where teams AFK and trade Qs for linear game progression that feels the same game after game, in any ELO bracket. The homogenization of abilities and ultimates makes the game feel like it has the skill cap of competitive checkers, with most matches being tantamount to /roll 1d2 for the win.

ya, at launch mccrees deadeye got teamkills and dragon didn’t need a grav to be useful.

sarcasm aside, that is what people say about every meta. you know a version of this meta was around in the early game too, right? And dive was what, 7 seasons? ya, that’s not oppressive or anything. rose colored glasses will make anything seem better than whatever the current gripe is, even if it was a hot mess.

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