Was D.Va originally associated with Cats?

D.Va is known to be associated with bunnies, rabbits, etc. But her poster on Hanamura appears to have a cat logo on the left side of her hip.

I also heard that this poster in Hanamura’s Attack spawn room was there even before D.Va was officially revealed, so is this a remnant of D.Va’s early phases when she was being designed?

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Yep! Can’t post images, but from the artbook:

“These early illustrations featured a cat logo on her suit and mech. The design was later changed to a bunny, which seemed like a better fit for D.va’s ability to fly- or ‘hop’- short distances.”

I’m guessing the Black Cat skin was kinda an homage to that early design too


Oh wow, thank you so much for this!

I’ve read a theory that Jetpack Cat became D.va and her Meka, which would explain the original cat branding.

Jetpack Cat was early design for Winston.
They wanted animal with jetpack.
Winston is animal and has jetpack.
He uses it when he jumps.
But literally flying with jetpack what Jetpack Cat’s orginally ability was, now Pharah has.
So Winston is created from CJ’s design.
And Pharah is created from CJ’s mechanics.

The design element of “cute animal with tech” was also what inspired Wrecking Ball.