Was ANYONE complaining about Torbjörn?

I can’t even explain how weird this change is to me.

For one, Blizzard and the Overwatch community both seem completely ignorant toward the idea that you can tweak a character, regardless of their viability, to make them more fun if need be, so even if this was to do that (which it’s not, I’ll explain), why is it happening?

Secondly, Torbjorn’s shotgun was never a problem to begin with as far as getting kills goes, took skill to really hurt people with, and wasn’t even buffed with the new Overload because that “survivability” was dependent on the amount of actual HP you were able to keep as a player. Remember-- Overload got NERFED alongside the base HP buff. Torbjorn became a marginally better character while the cheese of his Ability 2 got worse, and they’re sighting it as a problem (?).

Lastly, I mean… Torbjorn sucks, let’s be honest here. Like-- yes, he has cool moments, and yes he’s underrated by a lot of people, but he is objectively one of the worst heroes in the game, and they haven’t given him any compensation buffs for this. Even if they did, are they planning on making his Turret better of all things? Are Blizzard just dead-set on buffing everything that will upset players with auto-aim and crowd control?

I know this PTR patch is new, but we need to complain early if we want anything done about it by the end of 2019 with this company. It’s not like they were hard-pressed to even make a balance patch, considering the complete lack of one since before Workshop went on the PTR, and we’re not getting regular patches like League or whatever.

Seriously though, let me know if you had a problem with Torb’s shotgun, I have no idea where this is coming from.


This is what scares me about people who complain about Bastion and Widowmaker.

No matter your stance on those heroes, they are “Okay” rn…

NO ONE was complaining about Torbjorn, and he was apparently already slated to be changed.

What will happen when yall DO complain?

Same with being headshot point blank by a Widow.

If they kill me that way, they probably deserve it.


My only issue with Torb is how long his Mac n cheese lasts on the ground. But not because I think it needs nerfs, mostly because I’m impatient when I’m staring at it waiting for it to go away. :see_no_evil:


If anything I thought Torb was still significantly weak and needed buffs.

Guess not though…?


This has to be the stupidest nerf in the history of the game honestly.



Between this and the random Junkrat nade size nerf, this one is taking the cake


he does do a lot of damage, but that doesnt mean he is strong(bastion and junkrat do a lot of damage too) imo the nerf wasnt really needed, just a really strange one for me

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Jeff was apparently :laughing:


April fools…?

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More like May jokers…

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You have to be in melee range for it to be of any use.
If Overload is the reason for the nerf why not just nerf the firerate in Overload only?


I really though Jeff was joking, or that at least they would compensate for nerfing his damage, not just a straight up nerf and nothing more.

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we already figured out why. He’s low diamond/plat/gold most of the time he plays and he does about 50 matches? total i heard in comp before he just goes back to quick play and arcade. So i’m sure quick play or low smurfs may have set jeff off.

Torbjorn extremly strong at the top of the ladder, just watch seagull.
Winston get’s shredded by Torb


2.61% pick rate with 56% win rate, underpowered heroes has pickrate under 1%, so no he is perfectly viable.

The nerf is fine, overload torb could tank busting, he looked like a reaper with small hitboxes and more health and armor.


sounds like he got caught out without his bubble or leap. Sounds like just a bad play to me. oh no he “E’d” I better leap away on a low CD ROFL

My thinking why they didn’t want to do that is they didn’t want to have two different firerate increase percentages for primary and secondary. Like its suppose to increase firing by 30%, it would be weird if it was “increase primary fire by 30% and secondary by 20%” or something like that.

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Over 2% pickrate and 65% winrate in every elo, character has literal aimbot ability. Yeah people were complaining about torb

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you mean his torb turret? with like mid 50’s damage? lol. wouldn’t you complain more about soldiers literal aimbot then?

It’s an ult. any character with torbs stats right now will get nerfed.

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