War on Mercy - Nerfs without Compromise

It’s the equivalent of Valve Time, except in this case it’s Blizzard Time.

Only those who play Valve games will likely be familiar with ‘Valve Time’ however :slight_smile:. Those who don’t know what I mean can Google for the meaning of ‘Valve Time’.

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If you hold the jump button, you lose the ability to look around. It’s like if your mouse froze in place when you held the space bar.

However, you still can hold the jump button, you’d just be handicapping yourself.

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If it’s a non-offensive ability, it could go on Mercy’s reload since she doesn’t use it while the staff is out :man_shrugging:

That has the same problems as using the jump button and makes it harder to defend yourself.

That’s even weirder. Is there some sort of technical or hardware reason for that or?

Just controllers being limiting is all.

That sounds just like a problem with angelic descent that’s easily fixable.
Patch it so it’s bound to the place it’s supposed to be, the jump button

You press the jump/GA , reload, ult, crouch, and the left joystick with your right thumb.

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This doesn’t make sense.

TBH, Mercy got a huge buff with the original rework. Thus, she needed compensation nerfs, of as you could call them “compromise”.

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It’s bound to two button. If you use the jump button, you loose the ability to look around since you have to hold the button OR keep using the joystick.

The purpose of making her overall healing weaker is primarily because of her Resurrect ability. Having a hero that can bring fallen enemies back from death, in a game where one death means losing a push or hold, and can sustain them with great healing makes for a very strong healer that will often overshadow the others by comparison.

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Dumb quetion but how does binding it to another button fix that potential problem?
I ask this genuinely thinking to my controller. And realise that using the circle button (I’m PS4) would be even harder then holding X while ptrying to look around. Same with Square, i would require a bit of fingerwork but honestly I can only imagine the exact same problem.

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Hate to say, but I think if the goal of this nerf was to make other healers viable then they succeeded in a way. At least in my opinion Rez is sometimes not worth it to pick her. What good is it if she can’t stay alive enough to use it. Not to mention solo healing (which you shouldn’t be doing anyway). If they are not taking away Rez then this was the way to go I guess. I know I’ll be picking Moira and Brigitte more now.

That’s the thing. You would have to completely rearrange the controls for it to work.

Just so you know Damage Boost is on the equivalent for E, so it can’t go there.

But wouldn’t it be on alt fire, plaenty of heroes have both a full set of abilities a including primary and alt fire no problem on Console Torb, Sym, Roadhog, Genji

true lets see how it all plays out but personally i dont have much of an issue with the decreased win rate.

Overall in all ranks Mercy still has a 50.29% winrate on an 11.13% pickrate while Ana is still on 48.47% winrate and an even lower pickrate to no surprise.

IMO Mercy is slowly getting to a point were her stats begin to be competitive. The healing nerf inasmuch as it is not what many of her players wanted you can’t deny the fact that it is seemingly giving the correct outcome for the rest of the community so maybe lets just give it a chance.

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No, Rez/AD are on alt fire.

So find a new way to bind it, she dosen’t have too many abilities that it physcally can’t be controlled on Console so find a damn way. Like I said just bind it to the jump button and let Mercy players rebind jump if the way

You do realize you can remap the jump button somewhere else, right?
I’ve mapped mine for Mercy, Widow and Tracer to LT (Xbox user)

Also to you.

Blizzard has always been big on accessibility. I doubt they would go ahead and add an extra obstacle to play a hero. Even the veteran players would have trouble since they would have to relearn how to play her with new abilities AND new controls.

AD effectively counts as an ability meaning she has 4 abilities.