Wait wait why did i get back that easily?

wait wait, I recently got suspended because I made a joke post that couldnt offend any1 at all yet some got offended :))))
So I lost my trust level 3 but i got it back and i wasnt really that active since i got to post again how did i get my trust level 3 back??? someone please help me understand this.

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I think it depends on how many times you’ve been suspended and how bad your action was. Since yours was a little joke and your 1st suspension, you quickly got your trust lv3 back (the same thing happend for me) However, others probably have to wait a long time to get it back, even if its their 1st suspension.

My 5th suspension action was getting upset at someone here and that was my 5th suspension. So it took me 7 months to get my trust lv3 back. And there’s some users that haven’t got it back at all. So be good and try not to get suspended again :slightly_smiling_face:


it wasnt my first suspension doe (I think it was my third or second technically speaking) (I have been suspended three times before but 2 were proven false and it reset my suspension time things i think)

Well you got lucky

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you get the trust back when the reason for the ban was not that huge

You will know when you are about to lose your level 3 privelages. They email you.

don’t ask me how i know this

i am tempted to ask you now :confused:

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Er, well to be frank… my humor sometimes gets lost on the mods (actually more than sometimes but still)

oh lol xD

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How do you know your trust level?

Welp, i dont know how it is, didnt got any problems with that so far.

I recieved no email and lost mine even though they confirmed no action was taken against me. I am also a crazy active user.


a user called rico made a easy trust level checker.
here is the forum post where he explains how he made it

here is the trust checker made by him
click on this

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Edit: I have level 3 trust! Woohoooo

Change your name to LevelThree121 :joy:

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Thats really weird actually. Maybe that means your level 3 isnt actually permanently gone, but on a cooldown of like a year.

Yeah. I don’t know. It sucks because the only response I got was that it wasn’t actioned but they can’t divulge all the details. Clearly I triggered something on their software but no idea what. Hope it comes back eventually.

I also can’t see general or ptr in the categories list…

IDK, I lost mine because I was a little too descriptive in describing how the new Junkrat skin looked (references to venereal disease, Andy Warhol, and Titanic were made), and I got my level 3 back in like a week. I suspect it was because I’ve got a pretty clean slate overall. As a few others have said, it probably scales with the number of offenses on your record