Vs Ai mode removed?

i hope they put it back :frowning:


because no one played it.

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That’s sad, I liked this mode.

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Maybe because they’re paving the way for a new PvE mode…?

(#permenantarchives, #dontgetmyhopesup)


Probably either a bug or they want people playing the event mode for the time being. It’ll be fixed soon or will return after the event is over.


I play vs ai almost exclusively with my kids. This is VERY upsetting to me. They are young and not great at the game,
not having easy and med ai will cause them to play less, then they’ll be upset about not getting any of the limited skins etc. sigh


Excellent point regarding letting your kids play Overwatch. My 8 year old son loves playing but doesn’t care for the competitiveness of other modes besides Easy AI. Stupid decision by Blizzard. Those who think nobody plays AI haven’t got a clue. The queuing times were just as fast as for QP. It’s not as if you had to do 5 v 6 because nobody was around to fill.


That’s incorrect actually


I have friends who have started their video game journey with Overwatch. Play vs AI has been so valuable as its a low pressure environment where they can learn and practice characters. Beyond that I just like it as a mode because it is very chill with low toxicity. DADDY JEFF: You need to add this feature back ASAP. AI players are a valuable part of your community. It’s already an ignored part of the game development wise, please don’t take it away from us completely.


I’d guess your kids would probably prefer the pve and exploring the story of the heroes, no?

Hey Jeff! This is the biggest disappointment in this game!
Why was it necessary to remove it ??? I really don’t understand.

OMG I wish it was that

Vs. AI is currently offline as they issue some server issues:


FYI, if you want to play with your kids outside of play vs AI, you can create a private game, and fill all slots with AI (even the remaining slots on your own team). You can also customize each AI separately, meaning you can make bot A an easy, bot B a medium, etc. while also choosing which character each bot is. You can also change various options (i.e. run speed, ultimate charge rate, etc.) to change up the pace of the game too. You still get EXP in this mode to boot, as long as you’re playing with at least 1 more person.

To create a private game, click ‘Play’ choose “Game Browser”, and then click “Create”.

Just another option, in case you hadn’t known already.

I just wish they’d actually have AI for every hero and actually have AI that doesn’t just run in a straight line all clustered up directly for the objective and that actually spawned in Elimination.

Like, I get it, making good AI is hard, but Blizz hasn’t even tried.

I know the mode will come back soon, but honestly as it stands now people would be better off jumping into custom games.

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I agree they need to place it back in. For me I am female, 45…been gaming forever. My life is hectic and there are times I need to immediately get up from the computer. I don’t play Comp or quickplay cause of this. I actually have respect for the others that play and I don’t want to just “up and leave” which sometimes happens. I loved to play against the AI. It was mainly what I did in Overwatch. I also liked the fact that it was more of a “non-judgement” arena. You did not get the horrific nastiness that sometimes pops up with QP/Comp. They need to bring it back.

Sounds like it’s a server error then? I just started playing and it tells me to do Vs Ai but when I click to do it nothing happens and I can’t find the option anywhere. I would like to play vs AI before Pvp lol . Hope it gets fixed soon

Hmm, I was hoping to use it to teach a new player how to do things without having to worry about playing against others, we ended up doing that anyway and she’s doing great, but I hope that we can have vs AI mode so that I can show her some extra stuff without having to worry too much about the other team. :slight_smile:

This was back in april. I think it’s back now

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You are correct! I was able to find it, but forgot that when not the team leader you can’t see all the game modes, so I was very confused why it wasn’t there! :slight_smile: