Voyage to Esperança: A Portuguese city built on tradition, brilliance, and hope

amazing job, love blog post’s like this.

you leave queen streets alone

Gonna give a guess this is a hint tied to the next tank hero.

Easily the best Push map, imo. Not a huge fan of the mode, in general, but this is my favorite of the three options.

Esperança is new as of the full early access OW2 release 2 weeks ago. The other new maps (the other push maps, Casino Royal, Midtown, and Paraíso) were available in the betas and have been played in OWL and Contenders all season. So, while all of these maps were new to the live service, Esperança is the newest in the sense that no one outside of Blizzard and the press folks who got pre-release access had seen or played it until Oct 4.