Voicechat still very low quality

The in-game voicechat option has been bugged since the December 16, 2021 patch notes. Basically, almost everyone’s microphone suddenly seems to “peak” - producing a very sharp, crackling kind of sound, even when they are not speaking loud at all. This is the case for almost my entire friend group who have not changed their settings.
To me it is not possible to use the OW comms anymore because the sound is so painful to my ears.

I’m worried because the patch notes say in both the notes and the sticky in this forum that the changes to the voice comms have been temporarily disabled. However, the voice comm quality has not gone back to before the December 16 patch. I just want Blizzard to be aware of this.

I really hope this gets fixed soon, we have all moved to Discord since then but it’s less ideal than using OWs own comms. :frowning:

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I thought I was matching with players with bad mics until people have brought this up. Very awkward situation because I want to mute everyone due to loud crackling sounds but also wanna hear their call outs. Mutes best option really for best game concentration.

Yeah I posted the same thing a week back, I have no idea why some microphones are worse than others. I have a razer seiren x and it peaks really bad where nobody can understand me even on 5% mic volume.

The issue persists in OW and OW2 Beta.

The issue persists. 02-05-2024