Voice Lines, why Blizzard. Why

This is my petition to bring back multiple voicelines. Rare occasions, I’d spam with the team. It kind of made us synergize better. But not being able to chain 4 voice lines, a staple since 2016, is taking a major part of the game away.

I love this game, a lot. I love the characters, the community, the lore, the gameplay, the devs, everything about it. I will never again be able to chill/kill and have the same fun. The game is different. It’s not the Overwatch were Orisa can ask me if I need a hug 80 times while bon,go is down and they’re all graved. I can’t fetch Rein his 100% German beer. Hog can’t be depressed and not like life (bwahahahahaaaaa).

Overwatch 2 won’t be my band-aid. I’m legitimately upset with this change.

People have quoted the CoC stating it’s a reportable offense to spam, and I understand that. It should be. Just like cheating is, but account verification with a phone number isn’t required. That would deter cheaters that can’t buy multiple throw-away phones, right? Maybe they add a 3 or 4 account limit per number? Where’s our change to prevent cheaters that is effective? I digress from my point.

Spamming is annoying; some find it intolerable, others find it fun.

To make this change and alienate the people that had fun with chains, without even presenting an alternative, is just unlucky go next I guess. This isn’t going to make me quit, or take a break, but I am deeply disappointed at Blizzard for doing something like this and think new features makes it ok.

I’d be happier if they removed the new wheel and gave us 4 lines back. Honestly.

Go ahead, flame me for having fun in a game. Sorry that I enjoy QP, arcade, and customs. Sorry I don’t play comp everyday and feel like this change is justified.


I don’t get it, are you asking to annoy others with spam?


Technically, if an account is banned that person risks legal reprocussions by trying to create a new account as that is a violation of the EULA.

Source: Blizzard End User License Agreement - Legal – Blizzard Entertainment


But that doesn’t stop them.

Nevertheless, the way you have written that statement to me suggests you encourage cheating or other violations of the Code of Conduct and EULA.


You said this.

Honestly, I understand if you don’t like the change, but I just don’t want to see anyone get in trouble in the game or here in the forums. I am not trying to be a moderator, but just provide clear insight for you and others to do the right thing and express your concerns constructively.

For your reference I encourage you to review the following:

Blizzard In-Game Code of Conduct

Blizzard Forum Code of Conduct

Overwatch Posting Guidelines

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tell that to all the streamers with multiple alt accounts


he’s just warning you that since you’re encouraging behaviour against the COC, you may end up being actioned by someone else if they see this thread or you get reported in game.

i too don’t agree with the voiceline changes, but spamming them extremely, even as a protest, is against the rules. and it would also annoy people enough to make them even more supportive of the ban.

One can have multiple accounts, but if a person is banned from the service, then its wrong. That is up to Blizzard to enforce of course, and they do if necessary.

Maybe then Blizzard would acknowledge us.

they will be more likely to acknowledge you if you take Wyoming’s advice and rephrase your paragraph to be a statement of support for more voicelines being allowed, rather than a call to spam.

Also what does the voiceline nerf consist of?

i see people spamming the new voicelines in game all the time lately

It hasn’t stopped me or anyone else, so it was completely pointless. All they did was make it feel more clunky.

good point.

Orisa : Tracer, is it wrong for us to operate outside the law?
Tracer : That’s a difficult question, Orisa. I think there are times when you just have to do what’s right.

Basically there is a very slight cooldown between uses of voicelines. People complain that they can’t chain the cosmetic voice lines together like “On a scale of 1 to 10 how is your… piece of cake.”

While I see the amusement for such humor, there was a much bigger problem in the game with people constantly spamming voice lines during gameplay, which this patch resolves.

I looked up the quote from Scott Mercer in the raw HTML from the old forums from Archive.org, here is his exact lines:

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frankly…i feel like there are way more important things thatshould be fixed before even caring about voiceline spam

the game is already extremely frustrating enough as it is, letting people have some fun is important

That is true, and they are working to make a lot of things better (and they have been so far this year). Its not like every member of the dev team focuses on one specific objective.

So far we have seen a lot of changes to improve the quality of life in the game in 2020 (hero pools, introduction of Open Queue, cheat measures taking effect that have banned thousands of accounts, and so much more), and we will see more changes to come no doubt.

They should remove the voiceline limit. Not like anyone would care, especially when you could already mute people’s voicelines.

I do not care if I get in trouble, lose my accounts, or anything. It doesn’t feel the same and I do not find the game as fun.

I don’t understand the outrage over this.

It’s a good change. At least now people won’t be able to spam voicelines and irritate others during comp. Furthermore, people can concentrate on playing instead of spamming buttons.

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