Voice Chat Stopped Working

A few months ago, I connected my Bluetooth wireless Uproar headphones to my computer and played Comp. Everything was working perfectly fine.

Almost 2 weeks ago, I got AirPod Pros for my birthday and decided to connect those to my computer since they were more comfortable. I joined team chat one day and could not hear anyone, all I could hear was the game’s sound effects and music. I checked multiple YouTube videos, articles, etc. but nothing helped. After that I gave up on them and tried going back to the wireless headphones. I soon found out that they stopped working and I couldn’t hear team chat. I even disconnected them and used my laptop’s default speakers but I still could not hear voice chat.

Right now I feel very panicked and I have no clue what to do. I feel afraid that I messed up my voice chat settings for good. What should I do?

Many Bluetooth headsets aren’t going to be able to offer support for voice chat, you can find a full explanation of why this happens and some possible workarounds, here:

Additionally, if you are having issues with the old headset that used to work, I recommend trying the steps here:

The above steps include the data you’ll need to collect when opening a ticket, as well.