Voice chat needs to be compulsory for competitive

It’s a team-based game. You need to be able to work with your team in order to win. Communication is key to teamwork.

If you don’t join team chat then you are showing you have no desire to work with the team, which begs the question why are you playing Competitive mode in a team-based game to begin with.

Team chat needs to be mandatory if Competitive is ever going to stand a chance at being taken seriously instead of the current “it’s just a game” mentality many have towards it.

It’s called competitive for a reason, after all.

Are you actually saying that in all ranks, in all games, voice-chat would improve everybody, and that every player would be able to understand and work with the information relayed as promptly as possible?

I wish comms were that magical special place where bad calls didn’t happen, nobody flamed for character choice, backseating the tank, etc.

Not to mention, at least at lower ranks (the ones I’ve part of from broze-plat), if there’s a woman, or someone with a child-like on voice-chat?
Totally their fault the team lost.

Miscommunication, mysoginy, outright toxicity and harassment runs rampant over voice chat. And remember, unless you recording by yourself, you can’t even report with evidence.

If people are able to communicate with pings, emotes, voice lines and calls, why not let them do it? Why enforce your own set of personal rules over others?

Besides being an explicit fallacious statement (you are begging the question) and a broad generalization, you’re making an statement whose validity requires its own conclusion to be true.

By blaming people outside voice chat as the guilty party of your losses, it’s pretty much the same as blaming people outside your own group stack as the ones responsible for the loss.

These are both are things did (a lot) and had to actively train myself not to, and I’ve seen done, and still do. The only thing 2/2/2 does now is hiding the size of the group shifting the blame.

So, that’s still a no for me for the reasons described above.

You can take it as serious as you want, but… It IS just a game.

And comp is a game mode that no one, unless they’re griefing or throwing, plays to lose.

Edit (to add a note):
Not everybody is able to even understand the voice chat, and that’s not counting people with disabilities and chronical shyness; sometimes I still get matched with people from the other countries in my region and a few times we had a mixed chat with Portuguese, (Porteño / Argentine) Spanish, (Chilean) Spanish and English at the same time.


I never made any such claims.

So do I, but it’s still better to be in chat than not at all.

That’s what the mute function is for.

You cannot effectively communicate with your entire team with emotes and voice lines. That’s why we have chat in the first place.

It’s in no way fallacious. If you completely avoid team chat then you are showing the rest of the team that you are not interested in working as part of the team and you’re going to do your own thing.

I never said anything of the sort. You are making quite a lot of assumptions.

There will always be some exceptions, but the general rule still stands - communication is key to successful teamwork, so team chat needs to be mandatory with no option to leave.

Of course, that’s not to say you must speak in team chat, only that you need to be in it.

Addendum: just played yet another game on Xbox in which no one else on the team was in team chat and we got absolutely trounced. The game prior to that we had everyone in chat and we won.

Addendum 2: Had 2 more games with majority of team in voice and won both. Then had another 2 matches with noone else in team chat and lost both.

Communication is essential in this game.

Did you read the rest of my post or just jump immediately into snark mode?

“If you can join please do, even if you don’t talk, you could be the difference…”

Yes, I did.
And I’m disagreeing with your reasoning of why voice shouldn’t be enforced.

I actually played a game with you one time and heard your call outs. They are something people definitely don’t want to miss! However, you’re missing the beauty of the SR/MMR system. When people don’t join voice, they loose (as you claim.)

So they will keep falling in SR until they make up for it in other ways. Such as, Ult tracking, aiming etc…

You could blame other people’s unwillingness to get on a mic like you think they should.

Or you could blame your own unwillingness to stack with 5 other people who think like you and get on a mic, so you can win the games you think you should.

The first might be easier, but you also have no control over other people or Blizzard. The second is what you do if you are more interested in getting what you actually want.

this is true, but I’d like to point out blizzard’s lack-luster, bare-bones LFG. If the LFG had this QoL for the LFG then your advice would be sound.

I just think Blizzard takes so long to change things for the better, even when they do, they are unreliable so it’s better to play Overwatch with a 6 stack. Ideally this shouldn’t be the case but ideally there’d be character balance and a scoreboard and a not abused reporting system, etc.

I think their budget is bare bones. I mean think about it, a scoreboard is not going to sell more copies of Overwatch. And if the devs aren’t making money, management will direct them elsewhere.

They did get more devs when they laid off all of those marketing people back in February. So maybe role queue is the beginning of the golden age of Overwatch :pray:

I think by its 5th anniversary Overwatch will have all the QoL that we could hope for.

and the LFG doesn’t allow for this, it’s a bad LFG. OW is relying too much on Discord to encourage 6 stacks. one day, one day…

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No thanks voice chat rarely helpful


there at least needs to be an option the allows to join group where “mic is required” like there was in the LFG.
I’ve played one game so far this beta, where my entire team has been in chat.
So basically it just QP, with out comms sorry it no competitive play

VC is pointless in a solo q environment.

Ummm no. This game is extremely toxic and I shut off comsand chat awhile ago and it has at least made the game tolerable now. All you whinny people who have to tell others they suck when they lose and telling people what they need to play etc. Maybe if people can be civilized and realize this is a video game and not be toxic because they can hide behind their computer then I would go back on voice and chat.

Nah. Don’t feel like every match I have stop and mute someone.


Please tell me how complaining about how other team members are performing or what their picks are or how trash the team is or how mad you are or screaming about smurfs is a key part of successful teamwork. Because that’s the majority of voice chat.


Nope, no, not happening… also you can turn voice down so I could have it on but not listen.

You may perceive that to be the majority of voice chat, but not everyone does.

After I watched the ioStux video on turning off voice chat I did and gained 500 SR and got way better at hearing audio cues in the game.

I play with voice chat on now because I find it more fun, but it certainly doesn’t make me play better.


I went up by 600, from 2200 to 2800. Which also coincided with the period where I had my mental breakdown and was advised by medical orders to not speak with randoms while gaming.

I don’t exaggerate when I say leaving voice chat was the best thing I ever did to my SR. I only dropped from that 2800 average after they deleted Symmetra and I lost the fire to stay sharp for the game.

(Still, with Role Queue beta, I found out my Torb skill is still somehow up there)

That’s why I make a point to always share that ioStux video in every single thread I find of people demanding that voice chat should be mandatory.


roughly 1/3rd of my games have at least one person with an open mic that i have to mute or i can’t hear footsteps. it is what it is. i join voice chat, but it’s rare I get a game that people actually use it effectively. this is in high gold.