Video // Silencing the Community

I find it humorous that people don’t like this word, my question is why does it make you uncomfortable? It’s obviously a gross exaggeration, but it does make the point that a group of people are sometimes maybe a little to single perspective on an issue such as Mercy status.

Im not disagreeing with mercy needing a change, I’m just saying from my experience and as an Ana player most people don’t want for mercy to be garbage just not superior to other main healers because she is easier to play. I’m not saying she doesn’t take skill, she is just easier. But I’m sorry if you have experienced people telling you that.

Back in the 80s and 90s cult were very dangerous and many died claiming their own lives…Man glad this is a joke today

Because it’s insulting, and I don’t want to be grouped up with the revert group.

Not going to watch a video with such a ludicrous and self-important title. “Refuse to support” Overwatch? It’s a video game, not a political movement.

I guess I “refuse to support” 99% of video games on the market by not owning/playing them either. And 99% of everything else. The drama!


Yeah, I was there then :slight_smile:

That being said, it’s a little emo to get upset about the use of the term when they are acting like a cult in some regards There is one world wide one right now that exists that murders people who try to leave, but we refuse to call it a cult due to its size. It’s all very relative…

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Don’t know tbh, I only came across her in the last few weeks.

honestly i dislike a lot of stuff blizzard does, but honestly the mercy part of the community is rabid for the most part i swear, i havent seen apart of the community that creates as much forum annoyance as much as the mercy community.

The supports are the most balanced theyve ever been, blizzard does not care if your character is no longer fun, all they care about is balance and theyve succeeded with the supports


can we just have an overwatch where every hero is playable and viable?

this is what most mercy mains and all off meta players are fighting for . they want a game when you can play whatever you want.


I think that’s entirely, absolutely and completely wrong.


So its alright to call someone a cult?

claims Mercy mains are ignorant

assumes they all want a revert

Ignorant AND hypocritical. :man_shrugging:


What’s depressing is that your opinion is shared by many, and that generalization ends up overshadowing any valid point that the Mercy players might make.

A lot of the anger is justified. Mercy players and Mercy as a hero have been consistently punished as a result of Blizzards own mistakes that they refuse to acknowledge. Can you fathom how frustrating that is?


Yes. It is. And even if it wasn’t (which, again, it is) that doesn’t make it a life threat


mercy as a character has been a bundle of problems ever since conception. She is now in the best place shes been in, only now unfun, sorry mercy players, but they will not unbalance the supports again just to make your character more fun to you.

Much like how they wont buff reinhardt just because hes severely unfun

I thought we were talking about how Rein is better than Wreckingball despite taking less mechanical skill, and how that negates the argument of “how Ana require aim has to means Mercy should be bad”, but okay…

Yes Ana has no mobility and requires aim, but she has: Strong healing, Hitscan Damage, Hard CC(sleep), Healing boosting, Healing blocking and burst healing. Mercy just has Healing, Ress and Boosting(with mobility). Ana requires more #skill but she also has a lot more tools than Meryc by design. Thats the offset. Ana is already better than Mercy, because she has way more options, this giving more value to the team if you can se her kit well.

She is. Look at her win-rate. It’s the thrid lowest in the GAME. She’s only above Rog and Sombra. In games anything over 0.5% is bad, but her winrate is 48.6.

Well, then why are you saying the video doesn’t offer discussion when it does and you just don’t want to discuss??? The problem isn’t the video here.


Some heroes having hard counters that make them borderline useless while other heroes are capable of working around their hard counters coupled with other heroes being underpowered and again borderline useless in comparison to other heroes is a poison that is turning the playerbase into rabid dogs.

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and another mercy post has become toxic. Honestly at this point mercy should just be a delete thread worthy thing in this forums as it is spammed and 90% of the threads at least turn toxic


The Rein example was used to justify Mercy as we both know.

Yes it is.

“I don’t like this video even though I haven’t even watched it!”