Usually playing S76, so I just tried McCree

shows picture of Rein Zarya being first pickrates (by a wide margin) on tank enabling mccree and not the other way around

“doesn’t look like anything to me”

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Dude we said this last meta “its the tanks that are enabling mcree”.

He can’t be the top dog DPS forever. i’m happy for him to be a good pick. Actually, I WANT him to be a good pick, he’s a healthy dps. But that doesn’t excuse him from being overtuned.

slightly overtuned. I’d consider reverting his reload speed as he has a cd of 6 seconds on roll, and 1.5 vs 1.2 ain’t really all that bad. I feel it’s the one thing that would make him have to use his shift cooldown with better management to maximize his worth.

But Rein-Zarya are top picks on every single rank and that’s also a fact.

Dva back in the game means less mccree for sure.

A slight fb nerf to 5m radius could be healthy too, from 6. Needs testing though.

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I agree, how good he is, is greatly exaggerated on the forums.

I was thinking a small cooldown on FTH but thats just me.

Rein zarya…? Eh I think you could solve that by rolling back a couple of tank nerfs. In my opinion, they’re both fine, they rose due to sigma and ball getting nerfed mainly, but also a lot of tanks are still sub-par, imo. But also rein was overbuffed I think. Now he’s fine, and zaryas had her decay nerfed.

Idk honestly, dvas been rising a bit and mcree hasnt really moved. If anything hes rising still.

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I think word of mouth did a lot and many started maximizing the potential of mccree, so now people are used to anchor around him. This created (as you mentioned), the exaggeration of mccree as an invincible perfect hero. You split him briefly from the team as dva and he plummets. His greatest strength is that current meta plays his optimal range.

However, I’m not against fine tuning him to reduce slightly his most forgiving mechanics, namely faster reload and fb.

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That might actually be too big of a buff. I’m on board with the concept because I want to reload while sprinting, but it might be too much

They just need to heavily nerf the range and AoE on his stun for starters. It’s like impossible to miss right now.

just give 76 back 20 damage and he will be viable.

Me too brother, me too.

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Win rate is a function of how often a hero wins. Pick rate is a function of how often a hero is picked. How often a hero wins is indicative of hero’s power. How often a hero is picked is indicative of their popularity. It’s not complicated.

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So GMs are picking him for no reason? They aren’t really onto something?
so T500 is not filled with mcree for a reason?
So OWL players are picking him for no reason?
They literally know WAY more than you or I will ever know.

It should be obvious at this point that counterpicks ALWAYS have lower winrates. This is why mcree, roadhog, and sombra have historically had lower winrates. You cant just take 1 NUMBER and not look at the context behind it.

Otherwise, doomfist is the most overpowered hero in the game.

His winrate isn’t even that bad. You’re exaggerating how bad it is.

So you call him a “counter” pick. But do you realize the very nature of “counter” means he isn’t OP? It means he’s only picked because [___] is picked. If he was OP then he’d be picked because he’s OP. Do you also realize he had a high pick rate even when he had the lowest win rate in the game? He is a popular hero and has always been because this is a FPS game and he has a gun. Not rocket science here. Also I haven’t exaggerated how bad he is. I simply stated a matter of fact, you lose more often when you have a McCree on your team than the average DPS. If you want to argue against facts be my guest. But facts don’t care about your opinion.

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Basically take brig for an example.
Although she’s a counterpick to dive right? she was so busted she was used in every scenario. Now obviously, mcree is not that bad. He’s slightly overtuned at best.

Think of it this way… Let’s say… sombra.
Sombra receives 4 buffs to compensate for 1 nerf. She’s also received numerous buffs in the past.

She suddenly rises to a 6-7% pickrate for 6 months straight, through two metas. Doubling the pickrate of 2nd closest DPS. She’s also dominating OWL (But thats normal to be fair because it’s sombra)

But her winrate, in most ranks, is average. That’s the ONLY argument, because she’s a counterpick.

Do you think she would be OP?

Absolutely, not denying that. But the “popularity” factor starts to see less importance in GM, and literally no importance in OWL.

Where are you finding this information?
Mcrees winrate this week in GM is 53.62%. Not even close to what you are suggesting.

He’s going to be nerfed. 4 buffs for a hero that only needed 3 at most and has been dominating for the last 6 months. Even if you think he isn’t overtuned he’ll still be nerfed because he’s a meta pick. That’s happened to plenty of heroes, Mcree isn’t excused.

If we buff Soldier to make him equally viable with Mccree, then this is a clear indication of dmg powercreep.

It’s not that simple. If I’m just poking or fighting with my team, I can get headshots enough that I can often take out a squishy before they know I’m hitting them. And I get taken out along the same lines.

But when I use my ult, a big announcement goes out and the enemy team scrambles for cover. Or Rein or someone specifically blocks my path with his shield. I can sometimes take out someone low health right at the start of the ult but I could have probably taken them out without triggering the ult anyway. And now of course I’ve put a big bullseye over my own head.

So it’s not a straight-up comparison of aiming vs. the aimbot. It’s the entire situation around using the ult. Soldier’s ult is mainly useful for scaring the enemy into cover, which is useful, of course, but it’s not like he actually gets deadlier.

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Over time I’ve pretty much lost all fear of Soldier’s ultimate. Unless he is being pocketed or is nano boosted I can usually kill an ulting Soldier before they can kill me. If his ult did headshots like the April 1st EXC then I would give his ult some respect.

I’m well aware of that, but if they start buffing stuff again the game will be a mess.

Yea im talking about pc…

His left click actually isn’t that problematic even without recoil and spread IMO. This isn’t a military FPS and other better hitscan heroes only have soft recoil.(There is a recoil but your aim is recovered before ready to the next shot.) Blizz just don’t wanna give him clear aim for no reason(They hate him perhaps?)

Blizzard appears to make most balance decisions based on the overall ladder win-rate, which has been below 50% for McCree. Aside from that, a 53.5% win-rate is not particularly impressive in GM and he’s picked OFTEN, but not ALWAYS so the win-rate isn’t really being affected by that so much.

Overall, the team WITH the McCree loses more often than the team without on the ladder. They do adjustments based on player perception as well however, so yes, I wouldn’t be surprised if McCree eats a light nerf in the near future. But I’ve posted on that subject already and what I think IS and IS NOT likely to be adjusted and why.