Using the Priority Pass and Intended Use

The other day I had a top 500 in my comp game who was paired with a gold. I’m Plat. We won that match quite easily.

you must have a bug because that isnt how the system should work.
what you describe as “points” here,

are the actual passes, and you can hold up to 40 at a time. you should be able to use a single one as long as there is 1/40 or more. you can bank them up to 40.

either you have a bug or something is wrong.

i agree, 6 passes for a single win is ridicously high, especially when they are bankable

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As has been pointed out, when in a group, you have an advantage over solo players. Not only are you more likely to communicate and work together, but you decrease the chance of

It wouldn’t make any sense NOT to use group size as a priority.

No lol, if you sr reset everyone then it’ll take even longer to balance everyone back to their roles, because the already balanced roles will be unbalanced. The only time this will be effective is probably when OW2 launches, because then it’s a different game with a bunch of new players.

You’re more likely to have proper teamwork with a pre-made group.

Not even close. People handing over their accounts to boosters is a common practice, it would have almost no impact whatsoever.

As annoying as it is not being able to queue with a full group, I can appreciate that Paladins lowers the group size the further up you go. Only 2 in diamond, for example.

Also, still recommend only giving passes on a win, and lowering it to 3. 6 is a lot! And having to win will make people try harder and not throw for 2 fast do’s games.


My suggestion? You wanna solve this? Award 1 point per win and 1 bonus point every 3-5 matches of flex queue. No more point per loss.

It would work similarly to ranked where you gain more points per win but you you also gain points for drawing or just doing placement.

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Overwatch was far less snowbally before you removed Sym 2.0 and Torb armor packs out of the game and started adding a bunch of dive heroes ruining the game flow and removing what balanced it. You ruined your own game.

Also being lazy and derilicting your duty to properly moderate your own game adding a automated report system also ruined your game. What did you expect people suddenly wouldn’t false report off meta hero picks like Symmetra 24/7 and get them and their accounts constantly banned? We all know it happens Stevoo has even posted the proof and we’ve seen his account get whitelisted. It still gets spammed with warning messages without getting suspensions. That means it’s been whitelisted. Why are you playing favorites? That’s not fair. Why don’t you whitelist all Symmetra players?

What about your horrible mmr system for placement that is totally biased against supports and utility dps? Why have you not ever attempted to address this? Game is over 4 years old now.

Overwatch was far less snowbally before you removed Sym 2.0 and Torb armor packs out of the game and started adding a bunch of dive heroes ruining the game flow and removing what balanced it. You ruined your own game.

Also being lazy and derilicting your duty to properly moderate your own game adding a automated report system also ruined your game. What did you expect people suddenly wouldn’t false report off meta hero picks like Symmetra 24/7 and get them and their accounts constantly banned? We all know it happens Stevoo has even posted the proof and we’ve seen his account get whitelisted. It still gets spammed with warning messages without getting suspensions. That means it’s been whitelisted. Why are you playing favorites? That’s not fair. Why don’t you whitelist all Symmetra players?

What about your horrible mmr system for placement that is totally biased against supports and utility dps? Why have you not ever attempted to address this? Game is over 4 years old now.

Obviously a 6-stack has a pretty large advantage over 6 solo players. Seems obvious why they would try to match groups against groups.


in my experience and the experience of everyone i’ve talked to, the queue times are WAY worse now with the flex system. if i flex, the only role i ever get is tank, which is the role im worst at and that i least enjoy. for anything else, even with a priority pass, im waiting usually upwards of ten minutes. that is, in my opinion, unacceptable. another reason why the flex and priority pass system is a bad idea is that it has created a massive epidemic of players who throw hard in comp games because they don’t care how they do in any role other than dps. i think this system either needs a huge rework to fix these issues, or it should be discarded completely.

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Because groups are unfair to fight against when playing solo? Really what we need is groups to never be paired against solo players.

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With the generic Top500 icon? That could be a top 500 LucioBall player. If it was a legit Competitive Top500 icon it could have been a throw down to bronze group or a sibling playing on the account.

I assume this was quickplay since it is incredibly unlikely that a Top500 could get matched into a comp game like that unless you are in a very low population area. In theory, you would also have a player that balanced the MMR of the teams out.

Your post needs A LOT more details to be useful data here.

This should be EASILY detectable behavior. Dramatic rises in SR with a change in location/IP and hardware ID followed by a return to the prior location/IP, hardware ID and a falling SR.

If you queue solo do you really want to play against a premade 6 stack? I imagine most people that play overwatch queue solo or maybe duo. I get rolled plenty against solos, so me queuing up to also play against a 6 man hardly seems fair, especially in ranked.


If my skills in teamwork can match to that of a 6-stack, yes. The way I see it the overall skill of an Overwatch player is measured in three different values.

  • Mechanical Skill
  • Gameplay Awareness
  • Teamwork

Right now the game only really rewards the first two, but really its Teamwork that is the most important factor of the game. Its what is suppose to define this game, but right now I have more luck playing whatever I want and focus only on my own skill, often to creating some pretty toxic matches depending on what heroes I play.

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I don’t think so. The game already rewards teamwork, let it be ult combos, diving together etc.
That’s the reason we have all those means of communication (even if it gets used in the wrong way a lot).

The problem of stacking is also that it doesn’t help an individual player to get better. They either have to carry someone who improves slower than them or you get carried. Also, the MMR won’t adjust as fast as it should for you, because it takes into account the peformance of the complete stack.

One of the reason stacking is currently such a frustrating experience is that you play vs a lot of boosting stacks or people who play with their friends on a smurf.
This alienates fair stacks, since nobody enjoys getting that hardstomped and they quit stacking after having some of those experiences.


This presumes you can get your teammates to cooperate with this, something that even in the highest ranks is not so easy to do.

To clarify it is confirmed MMR/SR adjustments really just come down to the win result, not team performance. There are influences of strength of schedule, frequency of play, and (for platinum and lower ranks) individual performance based on the hero played. I have played both in groups and in solo queue and the SR adjustments remain consistent.

Exactly, when you try to legitimately group up you don’t know what you are running into. Yeah, people try to help carry friends, and as long as they are within the permitted margins with no throwing involved, that is fair in my opinion because all the players in that group are working to play together as a team. In the current system, by choosing to group up, you are choosing to play a harder game of Overwatch, where as I feel the game would take a different form where the game becomes more team coordinated as your work up the ladder if group-priority matchmaking is not a thing.

Again, this is something I have been curious about. Not exactly seeking a revolutionary change, but a better understanding to why it is so important to keep group sizes together making it difficult to enjoy the game as a team.

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Honest feedback about the problem with the system is that there’s too many passes. I get it, you want to reward players who play well so that flex doesn’t become a dumping ground for pressing W to get free passes at the expense of your team. However… 40 is a bit much. Maybe you get 1 for a loss, 2 for a draw, and 3 for a win with a cap of 10. I literally started gathering passes last night and I have the max of 40, even after using a few for a decently long dps session. If I wanted, I could priority queue for DPS for literally hours.

Honestly, even 10 passes seems like a lot. The average OW game is ~10 minutes, and that’s a generous estimate (it’s probably closer to 8 minutes), so even if I used passes constantly and found matches immediately, it would take me over 6 hours to burn through them all. Adjusting for my overestimation of game time, it would probably take a little close to 5.5 hours. That’s too long.

Perhaps the cap could even be shortened to 5 passes, so two wins will get you the max and give you about a solid hour of relatively wait-free DPS queue. This seems fair, since the time investment for this would be approximately 1/4 of the time you get to spend playing as DPS. Maybe that’s a bit too aggressive in fixing the issue, but it’s becoming clear that the pass system, while a good idea in theory, is just not working in practice.


I used to always play in a 6 stack back in Season1/2. It was so apparent how much the MM prioritised the group size over everything else. I was low plat/high gold and just because I was in a 6 stack my team would sometimes get matched up against a stack of GM/top 500 players. I remember this happening like 3 games in a row one night!

They made grouping just feel so punishing - really long wait times, and the MM could give you extremely unbalanced MM’ing. Even to the point you don’t want to even 4 stack anymore since you know the games are just going to get too hectic.

It used to be that if you played with decent people in a game you would all ask to group up to continue the fun, but these days nobody wants to do that because it is just too much of a headache.


It was a comp no limits game in Oasis. I went back & watched the replay, the T500 player played Mercy the whole time & never died. We won 2-0 easily