Using MMR for match balancing is bad for the game

Hi so I understand the aim is to avoid inconsistent matches, however using the MMR to balanced the match instead of SR results in very inconsistent matches for long periods of time.

So to expand on this, its too difficult to climb and fall. If you should be climbing, (ie: preforming well) the matchmaker will put you with people of the same SR but much lower MMR. Meaning your being placed with people who are on the way down for balance. This just makes the game so inconsistent as bad players stay too high and good player’s stay to low. It takes much longer for it to even out.

I see it all the time, sometimes the team is semi-consistant. (similar MMR) But others there are some amazing players and some just very inconsistant players with no game sense. (High and low MMR balance) This makes the game frustrating as the end result is the good are held back and the weak players are kept up at a stable rank.

I will also mention that the MMR balance for groups is way off that’s why LFG died so quickly. Nobody wants to group and have MMR staked against them if they cant find a group of equal size. The groups that work are the very well practiced ones not a bunch of randoms using LFG.

Just giving people random teammates from there rank would result in the chance of some absolute blow-out matches. It would feel like a pointless match but these would even out over time. Then there would be no need for performance based SR ether as the system would even out. I think just simplifying the loss or gaining of rank would do the game a lot of good.


You people spout these conspiracy theories so confidently it’s no wonder you start to believe your own crap.

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Good thing this doesn’t happen, then. See How Competitive Skill Rating Works - Season 17 → Summary for how things actually work.

Also note Jeff’s recent statement that SR is ignored when making a match:


On Seagull’s stream at blizzard Jeff stated and I quote
“The SR number is not that important, we don’t really use it at all.
What is more important is the backround number we use to make teams.”

It’s not game intuition blizzard have made plenty of statements about it.

That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about you claiming they purposefully out good players with bad players so that

I understand how they compensate for this yes they introduce preformance based SR which does solve the problem. But it really should just be simplified in my opinion to reduce frustration of carrying. I know you climb the same but it just feels bad having someone not group up on your team or leaving. Then you win to get massive amounts of SR. Just frustrating that’s all, system works but it would reduce player frustration.

Your post did not respond to my post at all.

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These would be the statements for your linked topic, which I have problems with.

“it is nearly impossible to determine why a player’s SR has a specific movement in a particular match.” - essentially this person admitted he hasn’t seen the algorithms and its just guesswork.

"The game’s matchmaker uses MMR to determine the numerical approximation of each player, and attempts to match teams such that the game is statistically fair (each team has a 50% chance of winning) " - This inherently means that players are grouped to an even MMR not SR. If a good player is on a team there must be a bad player to compensate. The problem is the disparity of these player creates friction in the game and from my experience when they lose focus the game is over. Hence a more evenly distributed assignment of MMR on another team gives an advantage.

PS sorry was giving preliminary response before reading link.

Unless the devs are lying to us, this does not happen. Your SR is never considered by the matchmaker, nor is your winrate.

At no point in MMR calculations do we look at your win/loss ratio and win/loss ratio is never used to determine who to match you with or against.

Sometimes you get potatoes on your team. Maybe they’re in the wrong rank and going down, maybe they are drunk or tired, maybe someone let their friend play comp on their account (this happens). Or maybe your team just never gets on the same page and you’re all holding each other back. Whatever it is, it isn’t because the matchmaker is trying to hand you a loss to keep you down. It just tried to put two teams together with similar MMR.

I would agree there is no perfect system. People have off days I understand that. The first part that is my problem however.

“Unless the devs are lying to us, this does not happen. Your SR is never considered by the matchmaker, nor is your winrate.”

So you are based on MMR, which means by nature if there is a high MMR player in a game say arbitrarily 200 above the lobby average. Then everyone else is the lobby average. Then the only way to correctly balance is having a 200 below player be grouped with the high player. This inherently creates a frustrating experience. I find the all average team has an advantage due to not getting distracted by pointing fingers. They lose focus and we have all been there.

Yes, this can happen. Sometimes you’re the player with the highest MMR and sometimes you’re the one with the lowest. There is no way around this really except to queue when more players are online and the chances of finding players close to your MMR is greater.


hahaha So I was right the system stinks. Kappa

I just enjoy those averagely matched games so much. Just question for you opinion on 2-2-2?

So how do you think matches should be made?

I was against it but I think it will be a good thing for matchmaking overall. Role-based SR removes a huge factor in skill variance - players aren’t guaranteed to be playing what they’re good at. For example, you shouldn’t have a diamond dps playing silver-level tank because there were already 3 dps mains.

ive honestly just stopped trying to pretend to understand this system quite honestly and just play the game for fun.

i have this account which is my main, placed 2500. i have another account, placed 2900. Another placed 2000. Another placed 3100???

ive just learned to play the game as is. i play the same heroes on all my accounts. if ques seem to be awful, ill go to a lower account. it seems odd to me that im somewhere between high silver on one account but low diamond in another. just seems like with me not even trying to manipulate the system and this is the result…something is not right.

Yeah from my personal experience I did my placements in season 2 on a laptop… I got bronze and just moved to console where I had friends playing.

Made the jump to PC in 2018. Didn’t play comp until level 300. I do just play for fun and quick play makes the bad games quicker. One season has me at plat, so the system works but it feels frustrating sometimes. Trying to make sense of it just gives me a headache with the amount of misinformation and the variance of people.

But it is “just win”.

That’s not what balancing MMRs means in this game, because MMR is more or less translated to your SR unless you went through severe inactivity decay. A game that has 12 solo-queue players at, say, 2400-ish SR will have ALL 12 players having basically the same MMR. You only get MMRs that wildly differ from the game average when groups are involved, or at the extreme ends of the ranking scale where there are very few players.