Using a vpn for Overwatch

This has probably been here before but Im from the South of London and I play on NA servers. I dont exerpience any lag as I get 43 ping.My frames dip a lil also but its still above a 110 so thats fine for me. If my ping already stays so low is there still a need for a VPN? If so which one should I use and which server should I connect to?

Eyevou wrote a guide on how to connect to other servers without using a VPN:


You are not playing NA with 43 ping, it’s literally impossible from London.
Choosing Americas in the launcher doesn’t do anything since the crossplay update, you are locked to EU unless you block EU+ME servers as explained in the post above.


The only thing VPN can do is fixing bad ISP routing, your latency wont get below certain point due to distance to server location. You can check your server ip and location by pressing ctrl+shift+n while in game(not in menu).