Update requested: FPS and Spatial Sound

This issue with spatial sound is really starting to become frustrating. Is there anything that can be done other than making sure it is “On” when starting the game and then restarting when FPS begins to go to hell?

I’ve retrograded my Nvidia drivers, I’ve gone back UP to the current version, I’ve done the same for soundcard drivers, I’ve done Overwatch reinstalls, I’ve even done a complete OS reinstall. I’m running a pretty strong rig and can play just about any game at Ultra settings and get almost zero FPS loss.

Is this something that is in the pipeline to be fixed? All I’ve seen in the forums are temporary workarounds. I would very much appreciate an acknowledgement that this is a known issue and is in the pipeline for resolution.

I am getting to the point where I don’t want to play the game anymore because I lose matches due to sudden FPS degradation. And because I suck. I lose quite a bit because I suck.

They have actually commented that they acknowledge issues with Windows Spatial Sound in the Bug Report forum:

I have not heard of any updates about this. If possible, I recommend switching on Dolby ATMOS if possible.

Thank you. Communication is very much appreciated.

Do you know if it was hotfixed or due to be fixed at some future date?