(Update: No longer allowed to discuss!) Disabled Player SUSPENDED for Playing Torb

Jeff also said that the “poor teamwork” option was worthless because of justifications like the example you just gave. He said that option is going to be removed because it is vague as used specifically to report hero choice when hero choice is not a reportable offense

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If you have a handicap, you must accept that there are some things you CAN’T do… You can’t aim? Don’t play an FPS, there are plenty of other great games to play. Plus by being mechanically unable to play more than Torb, you hurt your teammates in the process, which is quite selfish if you ask me.

I have a very bad eyesight, so i can’t be a pilot or do fighting sports. So what? I just do other stuff!


Even if you say it isn’t reportable, it’s pretty bloody selfish. If the “avoid as team mate” feature comes in and you’re waiting in a long, long queue, perhaps you’ll realise you’ve dug your own hole.

It sounds like English is your first language but it also seems like you didn’t understand anything in his post.

He has a winning winrate so he’s not “literally doing nothing.”


Yeah, don’t you go have fun playing that game because if it is a challenge, you shouldn’t do it!

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I feel for the OP and just wanna point something out. Not about flexing or one tricking as I won with a Torb otp yesterday.

You cannot be reported for your hero choice BUT there is a loophole here; if the rest of the team are say choosing dive + torb and your pick isn’t the strongest they CAN report you for poor teamwork as you’re not seen “working with the team”-this is why Blizz are removing the poor teamwork option.

Just in case, if someone says they’ll report you ask them which category. If they say poor teamwork report them right back; the loophole above goes both ways. And good luck I hope you make GM (I never will even with two functioning arms)

I want people to know that I do not speak for all disabled people. Only for myself. One can not judge the extent or ramifications of a disability, and even if two people have the same condition, to one person it may not disable them at all. So I certainly don’t mean to say that all disabled people play Torbjorn.

However, I have explained pretty clearly why I choose to do it: comfort, fun, and success.

You feel that since I have physical difficulties, I should not play the game, because someone like you might have to team up with someone like me.

Even though we would be at the same SR if that happened, that SR only applies to you, not to me. My SR is less valid than yours, and the toxic reaction to my hero choice is a justifiable reason to report me.

To you, it doesn’t matter if I have the same win rate (or better) with my playstyle as everyone in my group, or that I may have the highest eliminations / damage / objective time / 40 armor packs. It only matters if the team loses or I have the lowest of those things. In that scenario, in your opinion, my disability means I shouldn’t be allowed to play the game at the SR level the system has assigned me, if at all.

You’ve gone from offering vague solutions as to how I should fix a problem that isn’t even really a problem… (“don’t play Torb even if you will contribute more with him than most other heroes in that situation”) to telling me how selfish I am for being on teams when they lose.

How selfish I am for being a disabled person who plays this game.

How it is my fault for a loss.

How I deserve what I get. How I deserve to be thrown in a hole.

Want to walk it back? Because you’re about three tics away from activating the ultimate “disabled people are selfish for wanting ramps” ability.


I never said you shouldn’t play, play however you like but you can’t expect team mates to be happy when they have a player on their team, that by admission, only plays what they consider fun at the expense of the rest of the teams enjoyment. Should they be toxic toward you? No. Should they report you? Perhaps not but everyone has right to have fun and you are effecting their level of enjoyment.

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Boii, defense reaper on Cap A (and only for A) for Horizon Lunar is bae.

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Send a message to them, is more than likely that they will respond but STATE the disability.

Why im saying this? Because i been playing blizzard games for ever, and world of warcraft help me recover from severe brain damage after being dead for a couple of minutes.

i used to play wow to recover my hand to eye coordination, speech etc…and starcraft, diablo. They give special attention to disability issues, they really care as a company about it.
So i encourage you to reach them by any means.

For playing torb, i get it, i also cant aim, i recovered my hand to eye coordination and can do many things (even shooting really well in real life) but in a FPS i cant, i just cant.

I played torb and mercy waaay back, then i quit overwatch from season 2 till last season and current. I had to stop playing torb because of reports for no reason other than “Torb is trash” even while doing fine, got so fed up whit the agression that i started to try other characters…didn’t work, because i cant aim for my life.

Now im in low bronce 1000 sr and i mostly mercy heal, is stressful but i have fun trying to stay alive and providing a service to others.

You seem to play Torb well by you account, so yeah they shouldn’t report you…specially since i see sooo many lacking dps asking for other people to do this and that in anger but adding very little to the game.

Lastly, i understand your feeling (i think) because this games sometimes mean more to us than to other people.

Dont get angry whit people telling you is all your fault, git gut etc etc…some really cant understand, others are just children or emotionally disable people that get a kick out of inflicting (or trying to) pain in others.

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Dude, this game’s report system is the equivalent of writing a letter and putting it in your desk. No one sees it.

Don’t worry. The people giving you a hard time for that are incorrect for sure, but I don’t think you’ll end up getting a ban for it.

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I’m sorry the people in this thread are so harsh. It is literally not Blizzard’s fault, I’m sure they use an automated system to ban/suspend. You need to let them know that you’ve been wrongfully reported and maybe they’ll help you out. With all the smurfs and one tricks running around on console, since you can make secondary accounts for free, I don’t know why people even bother to report other players there.


The devs are doing an awful job in general with competitive mode, sry to hear about that.


The fact is that it is a reportable offense.

Now, you can say that it shouldn’t be, but look at it from blizzards point of view. I don’t know how many reports it takes to get a warning like that, but I’m assuming it’s a lot. Which means, you have made a lot of people mad enough to report you. That’s not good for the game.

If you are having trouble aiming, I suggest you try other characters. Healers for example. If you’re a healer, I can almost guarantee you will rarely, if ever, be reported. You’ll probably get the thumbs up card most of the time at the end of the game. But taking up a role with torb, most of the time, just isn’t a good way to play.

And if you think blizzard is doing something wrong by allowing players to report a fellow player that is making the game less enjoyable for them…then I’m not really sure that you understand what the report system is for.

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All this has to be reasonable. What happened to OP is unreasonable.

I have a problem with people with battle tags that start with the letter H. I get so triggered by it that it makes the game not fun so I report everyone that has a tag that starts with H.

If they were team players they would change their user name to something else so I can have a more enjoyable user experience. (Teamwork).


Here’s the problem with that

1 no audio recording (however they do know if you used ptt or have it as open mic
2 they only have chat logs and what players swapped to what hero
3 game masters have no interest in helping customer, they just copy paste tos links constantly and ignore any question or even why you are contacting them. They must be the same underpaid workers that make there merchadise while they sew up a few thousand mercy shirts they get and extra dime everytime they open and close a ticket

so unfortunately with there automated systems in place
There is no justice


If you are playing competitive, just don’t. The community has shown time and time again they do not want niche 1 tricks on their team and they will report you. Automated report system = community self-monitors itself. If you don’t wanna get reported, pick up some other heroes or play QP.

I really don’t get the issue here.

You have severe nerve damage, OK, I am very sorry to hear it.

You want to continue enjoying the game and play the hero you want, OK, I get it, you have every right to.

You want to continue enjoying the game WHILE playing competitive mode (competitive yes) and potentially wreck people games because you can’t play the majority of the game characters for physical reasons. OK… Hold on. Why does it need to be competitive?
Can you do the same in QP? You will not be reported.

Please try to understand your teammates too, overwatch is a team based game. In competitive, people try to work together toward a common goal, victory (most of the time). As you can only play one character, you are asking your teammates to work with your pick and build a team comp around you. Why would they need to build around you especially, are you more important than your teammates? On what ground is your pick more valid than theirs? You will surely answer this by your medical reasons and they are valid, it is not that you don’t want to, it is that you can’t. I get it, but your teammates will still feel that this is very selfish of you and frustrating because you put them in this position and they just have to roll with it, hence your reports.


Oof. Some of ya’ll in here are Heartless when it comes to competitive lol. I’m actually a little ashamed at what I’m reading in here, but I’m honestly not surprised one bit though. And that’s the sad thing.


People surely have the right to go into the competitive mode and choose whatever hero they’d like (whether they’re underperforming or overperforming).

I can understand why other players will get salty at you for choosing Torbjorn on attack. I cannot understand losing access to the game over it (and this does in fact not seem to be Blizzard’s intent, since the option is being removed).