Update for Competitive Play - Season 16

I can’t imagine anyone who plays the game who says 6 stacks>solo queue in GM… The queue times are long enough as is, I’m just so happy that this is a thing now.

(Also decay doesn’t show on your profile until you play again)


I would love this change for every rank.


Can you lower the SR gap in all ranks. 1000 is far too big a gap.


Thank you! Actually Pog news

About time :slight_smile:

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Would actually help the overall game as the large groups would move to quick play, so we could see qp become more like comp and less like a free for all with some real comps being played.

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Im hoping this is indeed a step towards entirely separate soloq and 6-stack-only teamq variants of competitive.

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The flaw is that often those games get some freaky teams. like i have seen high master players in a team with 3 stack top 500/high grandmasters.

Well, i just enjoy playing the game with my friends, more than with strangers not communicating or playing sym with a diamond gamesense on it. Is that such a bad thing ?
This means there will be more and more smurfing because gm wont be able to play together.
And i would be ok with this changement if we had a team queue system, but they don’t seem to care at all. Let me enjoy the game with my friends, thats all im asking for.
(ikr i did 3 games)


This doesn’t effect me in the slightest but I’m glad to see this change, I’m sure all the GM players will be grateful. I can’t imagine waiting longer than 3 minutes for a queue.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,


My avg when I hit near my peak is like ~7+ :[

I’m very grateful


It’s situations like these where I wish I could post pics to describe my disgust. Anyway, look up “spongebob disgusted fish” and that’s pretty much what I’m going for here.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,


this is awesome. no more gms abusing 3+ stacks to maintain top 500. now we just need solo queue only option cause people in gm still duo to get boosted to t500. this is a huge change though


I might actually play and love this game again. Hypppeeee

Not enough players in the top rank for that.

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Should apply to master too, considering we’re often used as fillers for GM matches. But it’s a start.


this is gonna kill the twitch game

How will i convince people now though to use symmetras tp? I wont be able to play with people that accept symm :frowning:


i don’t know if this is a good idea xp


So in a team based game you decide to forbid to have 5 consistant players on your team to make ranked games more “fun”. Instead of creating separated queues (soloq 2q 3q 6q). Instead of implementing role q and mapbans. Cool, you solved the 6 stack night q and 4.7 players problems witch affects literally like 100 ppl who plays at that time but it doesnt make games more “FUN” not even close.