Upcoming experimental card

Not quite. She’s mostly viable, depending on map and team comp (obviously not as good as other healers if everyone’s keeping long range. Happens sometimes). The problem is player perception - I have Rein’s and Wrecking Balls freak out on me if I play Brig, because they don’t think she’s a “main healer”.

I know she heals well (skill dependent, but still). YOU seem to know she heals well. But I get harassed endlessly when I try to play her. I honestly get less flak when I play Zen, because at least people see the utility and know the heals aren’t on a resource.

Seriously, player perception on Brig is pretty skewered. Probably because the devs reflexively nerf her every month or so. Like when they nerfed her healing and her overhealing. Gee, wonder why my teammates think her healing sucks now.

Hmmm idk how to feel about this one. The cool gimmick of accretion, that made it sort of a skillshot was that the further it traveled the longer the stun duration. Sad that it was removed.


It might change the meta in lower ranks but in ranks where hitscan players are competent she still is only a pick when she is needed to pocket an ashe or echo, far from a meta pick.

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You dont seem to get that the easier approach would be just to stop making heroes that are completely OP with their mobility and lethality that players needed such hard CC. Not playing the game anymore so do what you like, but you have heroes that all about CC that without it they useless. Dont really think sleep dart needed a nerf when it a skillshot


I reached Gold on Support last season and stayed there for 2-3 weeks. Then I dropped a little coz I focused more on trying to reach Gold on Tank. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Hey everyone!

We just tried to push the experimental card to Retail servers, but saw that it caused some crashes. We’ve pulled it back temporarily until we can identify and fix the issue.

Thanks for your patience - we’ll update as soon as we have more information!


Lol, I knew it. I just got kicked out of my game and am in a queue behind 20000 people.

They don’t though. First off, Pharah isn’t meta. She is the only hero who brings Mercy into meta, but SHE isn’t even meta. So that’s irrelevant.

Echo IS meta, but Echo doesn’t make Mercy meta. Like I said, in the Flash Ops Echo tournament the top teams with OWL pros/etc. on it were running Echo every game but were running Ana Lucio or Bap Zen. No Mercy, ever. Only Aspen’s team tried running Mercy (and they lost) so she kept swapping off of Mercy to go to Baptiste instead because Mercy isn’t worthwhile to pick.

Also, being someone’s slave and rightclicking them all game isn’t viability. A tweet from an OWL pro player last month:


Low Silver is the exact same thing. You still don’t even know what the meta is.


Thank you for the update! :slight_smile:

exactly ! You’re not alone in OW. They did try the multiple bubbles for Zarya , but for Zarya’s case , it was an immortality and was way too powerful. For Ball’s case, it’s a temporary shield. The enemies will still have a chance to counter.

But unlike all these other heroes that got nerfed, Doomfist has multiple CC abilities. In other words, his entire kit is CC based. So, he’s bound to take a massive toll any way you slice it.

To be fair, the meta is probably completely different in bronze/silver elo, just like how when goats dominated higher ranks, running it in anything below diamond usually caused losses because no one is coordinated enough. In that elo hitscan players usually aren’t the best which makes pharah a very powerful pick, along with echo and add a mercy to that and its probably gg.

F in the chat

Yeah, but to be fair Blizzard isn’t balancing supports around silver/bronze so someone saying “I wish Mercy players would shut up about buffing her they’re so annoying she’s not underpowered at all” when they are at very the bottom of the ranked ladder is really annoying and if anyone needs to stop talking it’s them.


That’s how you’re interpreting it. From what I can see, since he has multiple CC abilities tweaking the numbers for just one or two of those won’t be the end of the world.

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Yeah I agree completely, but they probably don’t realize how bad mercy is in any sr where people actually understand how the game works.


I don’t even think she’s good in Quick Play lol.

Kinda ironic an experimental card this boring broke the game.


Didn’t they already do this a while ago? specifically his uppercut?

This is interesting!

I feel like this may be a bit too much especially because it’s an ultimate. Perhaps 2.7 seconds would be better

much needed!