Until Doomfist gets nerfed, I can't bring myself to play this game anymore

Doomfist definitely needs a rework at this point, since aparently there’s no right way to balance him. I for one think his vertical mobility is too high. Tune down his rising uppercut ability and let’s see what happens.


fair enough…

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But the point of the thread is to show how busted Doomfist is, not to attack each other.

Now, you have a way to post this here? The more I watch it the more I laugh :rofl::rofl::rofl::
thumbs.gfycat. com/ImpressionableUnknownDeer-size_restricted.gif

Take away DF hand cannon or dive ability and instead replace it with a shorter Hog-like hook to pull people toward him where he can combo.

That’s not an attack. That is just how it is. I remember back when I first noticed this guy lurking in every Doomfist thread and looked him up. It’s hard to forgot people like him so I still remember


That owl teams who also get dominated by one doom are all just bad teams right?

Oh wait.


Amin to this. He is just broken.

Been playing FFA and there’s been too many Doomfists. I’ve been better off playing Junkrat and Torb just to counter their high mobile advantages with traps/turrets. I swear it’s annoying to fight against heroes with either high mobility or sustainability. It’s worse if that hero has both mobility and sustainability and being able to deal a lot of damage onto 200hp targets easily.

I just want to play the game. Not enter pinball simulator with minium movement.


Doomfist is fine.

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takes an entire team to counter him “hes fine”


You got half the universe erased because of your anger.

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Just make him gain less armor, problem solved. He gains way too much armor for the damage he makes, which makes him at times impossible to kill, combine that with the short cooldowns on his abilities and you got the problem. If his cooldowns get shorter = so should his armor get less. Otherwise it’s not going to work. The problem we have now is only because they gave him shorter cooldowns which means he gets armor back faster too.

Until doom gets nerfed, or we get a support to counter him. I dont think I’ll play support anymore. Being role locked as support when doom is on the enemy team is actually the most helpless feeling.

Again I love the argument that says your team just needs to focus or counter him, as if there’s not 5 other heroes that we are trying to worry about at the same time. That argument only works in a vacuum where 10 other things aren’t going on. While doomfist has instant killed one of your teammates and stunned another, gaining all shields back, and still having an escape, you are two people down, 2 people peel off to try and catch him while he already has his next instant kill, and the rest of the game is now 2 on 5.
You shouldn’t need an entire team to focus or switch to stop a single enemy. That’s crazy.

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Doomfist is easy to counter, personally wouldnt want him nerfed. Maybe a revert on the xtra shield gained but that might make him dumpster tier again


Hack is still easy af to land and 5 secs is plenty of time to get him to fly back to spawn too. I don’t think sombra being nerfed is a direct cause to doomfist being annoying as ever

Even bronze will be able to handle a single df,like wtf? A whole team can’t stop one hero?

All u need is a sombra and he’s no longer a problem lol. And if u still can’t win then, then the doom is just straight up better than your team lol

This is the response to a lot of heroes.

Few heroes can, on their own, deal with heroes like rein or orisa. Their shields would be impossible to break solo and take team effort.

Heroes like widow- for most heroes it’s work with your tank, stay behind their shield and apply pressure. If you weren’t behind that shield or sneak you were out of Position.

It’s not that you have to focus Doomfist as a team- plenty of heroes can go one to one with Doomfist and come out on top reliably. McCree. Hog. Reaper. Mei. Orisa is very difficult for him to deal with. Others are so slippery or tanky that Doomfist isn’t even a threat. Certain tanks like Hammond, supports like mercy, Moira, Lúcio. Etc.

But the argument is often that it’s best to focus him as a team because his kit requires him to throw himself at his opponents and use his body as a literal projectile. It gives everyone on the team a solid chance to do damage to him.

If there’s a widow off in the distance there’s not a lot Brigitte or rein or yadda are going to be able to do- as she plays outside of many heroes ranges (which is fine. She’s a sniper). Doom has to play within everyones range though.

It’s just a good way to handle him because of how his kit operates, but definitely not the only way to handle him