Unsolved: Create Vertical Wall

I’m making walls that block doorways, anyone know a code for vertical impassible walls? I know that there is a map editor code, I just can’t isolate the wall code in particular. I know how to have the actual wall effect, but I don’t know the collision mechanics. Let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks!

Easiest way to do it is just to give up and use distance between. If you really want a vertical wall, I recommend to look at the code of a rising lava game where sym’s ult can block people.

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Thanks! Do you know like the code or is that one of the defaults?

I don’t know it, but it’s frequenly in the game browser.

I’ll keep an eye out for it.

maybe AABB (bounding box based) can work, but you can feel some server load increase when computing is wall is in detection. For reference what i’m saying https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Games/Techniques/3D_collision_detection

You can make two rules. First rule will looping while player still alive, detecting closest wall, second rule will detect if player is inside or near wall. Use math based on link i sent above.

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you could check their X/Y values and impuse them away from the wall if its the right X value