Unranked rookie player being put in plat lobbies. Normal?

I’m trying to play comp, as support only right now. I’m unranked, i’ve never ranked in comp before, I never played ow1 in my life, i have 0 history, i only play quick play until recently.

My last three games have LITERALLY been an average plat lobby. Either plat 5 or 3. In bad games, I’m getting absolutely destroyed and told “mercy diff” “support diff” “stop going for rezzes” and all that. In games I lose, i end up with by far the least healing. Any game I win is a super close one, and I’m carried by the other healer.

I’m definitely NOT anywhere NEAR plat. It hasn’t occurred to me until now that the fact I’m still getting placed in plat lobbies when I’m garbage might not be normal. I need to know whether this will continue once I get ranked, right now I’m at 3 wins and 2 losses. Two more wins and I rank.

If this is gonna keep happening once I get ranked, I’m not going to play comp anymore. I came to comp specifically to avoid this issue and it followed me anyway. It’s another thing if I get ranked plat and then go back down, that’d be truly an honor, but if I get ranked bronze and I still get put in plat lobbies, there’s genuinely no reason for me to play. So that’s my question. If I just get the 2 or 13 games over with can I go into lobbies of my skill level?

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The more you play the more accurate it will become. (with that I also have to say the MM is currently bad and yes you will still get into too high or low games) However it will start putting you with players closer to your skill level. There honestly isn’t a huge pool of competitive players anymore. So that may also be playing into it. But yeah it will quickly recalculate if you truly are playing at a much lower skill than teammates/opponents.


it will start putting you with players closer to your skill level.

That’s what I hoped. Thank you.

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I believe the old OW1 started at 2500 which is nowadays g1/p5

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When you win 5 or lose 20 you’ll be put in a ranking, every ranking beyond that SHOULD Get you closer to your actual rank but rankings are by and large a mess, they over estimate most fresh ranked accounts. It’s why people are bragging about getting into GM with their fresh accounts when realistically they’re diamond at best.


Yeah. Blizzard wants new accounts placed in with experienced accounts to get you to purchase their overpriced skins. If they kept new accounts and even lower level accounts, they’d not see those expensive skins that the more experienced players have, especially those of us who have ALL skins already from OW1. Balanced matchmaking is VIRTUALLY nonexistent.