Unpopular opinion thread

lets be real, the training stage in Ov2 is better than Ov1 pve.
everyone should just go hang out there and shoot robots, that’s all pve would have been anyway, with a line up of heroes this diverse you can’t really make dynamic pve.

we just need that haloween survival mode back.

In the missions against Null Sector sure. The different types of robots are what will make it interesting.

I miss Archives, specifically Retribution. It was so much fun and actually challenging solo queue on legendary, with the occasional Heavy spawning in different places and the frantic survival at the end lmao, it was great

Uprising was fun but the 3 minute defend the payload was so tedious after a bit, the only replay value was the completionist in me needing to beat it on Legendary which tookcway longer than I wanted it to

Storm Rising was fun too, and now having Sojourn as a hero as well as Ramattra being revealed so many years later, it did good on the speculation side and giving story explanations as to how the strike team knew where doomfist was gonna be

Yeah but then they got rid of it and havent given it back since the rotator in the remix event so who knows whats happening

Even if the PVE was amazing, it probably would have burned out all it’s hype within 1-2 months.

At least with the current Archives mission style, it’s probably free, and it just repeatedly brings back players as a marketing tool. Probably during the Seasons without a hero release.

And they can double-down on fixing core issues that are affecting PVP.

Also, ExoPrimal will probably scratch that PVE itch people were looking for.

Warning - Doomer

The thing is like, are they even capable of fixing the core issues with PvP anyway? The decision was set in stone about the shift in focus to PvP rather than PvE by the time OW2 came out and likely months before from what I’ve been reading, so every balance update and change to PvP in OW2 has been under the PvP priority goal, including lifeweaver, which can be excused partially since they probably didn’t create him after OW2, but they sure had enough time to see the issues he had in his control layout and playstyle

I don’t think they have it in them to fix the issues caused by 5v5 or the support powercreep, or matchmaking, or whatever else seems to pop up

i hope so… but i have the feeling it will be tied to the battlepass. worse a seperate purchase like in the shop :grimacing:

but yea best case scenario is everyone can play it regardless if you have the battlepass or not (for free). we’ll see i guess

go watch the blizzcon 2019 OW2 announcement and 14 minutes of gameplay to know why you are so, so wrong.


  • Snipers = Damage over Time, or range limitations
  • PharMercy = Mercy heals airborne teammates for less
  • Mercy GA = 1.5sec when those above heroes aren’t a problem
  • Matchmaking = It’s a process and it’s getting better slowly
  • Servers/Hype = Microsoft is probably going to Blizzard in the next 8 weeks

Honestly, I’d debate the changes you’re suggesting (Widow’s is good tho I hate how snipers force you to play Coverwatch) but you do you, it’s Blizzard I’m frustrated at

The problem is thes probably aren’t gonna happen, you can say a hundred solutions but it doesn’t mean Blizz will do any of it; they even said it themselves in the most recent AMA w KarQ and the other streamer that Widow isn’t on the agenda, Mercy’s nerf was imperfect and overshot, Pharmercy wasn’t even a note in their discussion, and the dev insight said they’re ‘working’ on solving the matchmaking issues but no communication on that front yet. And in regards to the merger, what more are they gonna do outside of crossovers and putting the games on the gamepass?

I’m sure you’ve thought of a hundred ways to make OW2 better, but this is Blizzard.

I mean, there’s a suspiciously high number of things I’ve suggested that are in the game.

For example,

That’s pretty easy to fix. 1. Powercreep itself doesn’t matter as long as Supports are roughly equal power level. 2. DPS/Tank players can’t switch to Support heroes midgame, so Support heroes do not directly compete against DPS or Tank hero choices. 3. They could lower the “Objectives Impact” on Support while maintaining their “Fun Factor”, but weakening their TeamValue, and buffing their SoloValue. 4. They could lower healing levels a bit, but give everybody a regen passive.

They could throw in range limitations on Widow in about 5 minutes if they wanted to. With a Hotfix.

Hanzo, just make all if his arrows be damage-over-time.

Sojourn, could be either.

But also that rabble rousing Sniper post I made got about a third of a Million views. And I think it was pretty well written.

And I know I’ve spammed it to atleast a few devs directly on Twitter.

So kinda unlikely that at least one of them hasn’t read it.

Would you say they are? Not an accusation, but I wouldn’t say LifeWeaver and Ana are on equal standing that’s for sure lmao

I think supports can counter pick tanks and DPS, I think that’s what you mean by competing against hero choices anyway, but yea in this line of thinking Junkerqueen and Roadhog are hard countered by Ana, dive heroes have always had a tough time with Brig too so a swap to that can be pretty good

The main problem though I think is, at least for the issue you raise, one tricking, which is exacerbated by the limited hero choice for supports; people choose a fun hero and they make it work even if they know the triangle won’t fit into the circle hole. Many times that works but y’know, its definitely a ‘people bye’ situation in higher ranks

Having supports be inherantly team dependent makes dive heroes viable, and imo that should never be changed

Idk, homogenising the roster even more than they already have with the introduction of hero passives would make it even more boring.
Actually, do it.

I’d like to think even the simplest, hotfixiest, one number change’iest changes are still too hard for Blizz to dish out quickly, otherwise they wouldn’t have left Lifeweaver to be a throw pick in comp despite the option to give him bandaid fixes until his rework in S5

Hanzo should just have a change in breakpoints and not let it be so easy to get picks off with little effort, I thought of aim down sights like Destiny 2 has it, idek if hanzo has a right click ability lmao

Sojourn could be nerfed a tad more, as long as they let her breakpoint be heightened with a mercy damage boost then its fine, that’s what damage boost is for, one shots should be enabled by her not have them be a freely accessed thing on a hero without a cost