Unpopular Opinion: Rialto

From what i understand from the stats, Attackers clear Point C, 49.35% of the time.

In Comp, i think you’re missing one aspect which is:
The 1st round the attackers are trying to clear point C. If the defenders manage to stop it (in 50.65% of the cases), then it becomes a “Who pushed the cart the furthest” game (which i believe would fall under a different statistic).

I would imagine this statistic would account for that aspect.

In that case, the percentages would even out to a 50/50:
Defending team wins, attacking team loses.
Attacking team wins, defending team loses.
50% for each.

If the attackers don’t win, but win on the defense, then it’s not a 50/50:
Attacking team loses, defending team wins.
Attacking team loses (AKA doesn’t beat previous attacking team), defending team wins.
In this case, it’s a 0/100.

Droppin those bombs of data. Gotta love data.

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You’re assuming that whichever side the team starts out on is what they are categorized into for Attackers/Defenders.

Doing so would just highlight the issue OP suggested even more, because we can’t separate the win/loss from frequency of point captures.

Does Rialto have fewer Point C captures than the other maps?

This question contains the only metric that addresses the perception that the map never surpasses the second choke.

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So you go after low hanging fruit instead of tackling the communities biggest concerns…got it

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So, should the thread title be changed to “Wrong Opinion”? :sweat_smile:

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Oh, I’m not. I took that into account in my post. It’s a bit hard to distinguish when a team is switching in my comment I guess. Just imagine there’s “Team 1” and “Team 2”

Edit: In fact, I don’t even think it matters which team is which, as long as we acknowledge that they switch after each round (Which I did)

Yeah, I suppose Jeff’s stats aren’t really specific enough. I’m betting he’s talking about who wins rounds rather than plainly reaches point C, so it doesn’t really answer that question.

Would it really realistically matter though? The stats clearly show it’s at least balanced. The map could potentially be infinitely long and it probably wouldn’t make a difference.

People don’t hate Hanamura because it’s defense favoured. They hate it because 2CP is a garbage mode.

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Well, considering OP was complaining about the design of the map, which balance is only part of the story, yeah I’d say it does matter.

A completely barren flat plane map can have a perfect 50/50 winrate but still rank zero in the design department.

Actually you could assume that the first round determines which side of the winrate a team is on, since how well the defenders/attackers do the first round determines how far they have to go and thus how likely they are to succeed when they attack

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You can’t say « blizzard balance the game around OWL players and they shouldn’t !! »

And then asking for maps to be balanced around OWL😅


I honestly have never said that.

I was also like that map.

Was just curious because the OP had a strong opinion on it…

Jeff told you the attackers get to the end 49.4% of the time. That’s pretty fkn balanced.

Op gave anecdotal evidence. The main dev replied giving a proper statistic to quell another bullship hate train from starting.

Heres my take on Rialto. I think it’s great and finish it to the end every so often… let’s say half the time


In comp,both teams play both roles so talking about attacker’s or defender’s victory would make no sens unless they mean that the attacker’s victory is reaching the 3rd point and that each separate round is considered a full match .

I apologize for my bad english…

I like Rialto. Don’t see anything wrong with it myself.

In no way was it a shutdown.

And for point A what are the percentages?

QP or comp. doesn’t matter here.It is not about who wins the game.
These are stats about individual rounds.
Attackers= team trying to reach C . Wining condition–>reaching C
Defenders=the other team . Wining condition–> Payload doesn’t reach C
About the possibility of having a 50/50 attacker defender winrate in comp,it is always the case since both teams play both roles.

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Can’t give you stats but I can say I see Rialto go to point C just as much as other Escort maps, more often than Gibraltar for sure.

As for OWL stats, today we saw Shock cap all three points.

Rialto is an awesomely designed map to me- attacking feels fluid, and defending feels more… ‘doable’, due to how compact the map is (similar to one of the most popular maps: King’s Row…).
So no, Rialto doesn’t need deleted/redesigned; you just need to grit your teeth and push through it when you get the map.