Unpopular opinion: Punish leavers

The very fact that this is an unpopular opinion raises a lot of questions. It’s well-known by now that Blizzard does not punish people for leaving games until the % of game’s they’ve left is EXTREMELY high. They also get a warning before they reach this threshold.

The fact is that quick play games are still riddled with people constantly leaving, making new accounts, leaving more. They simply don’t care because the punishment is so far off and so forgiving.

Can we possibly start REWARDING players for being consistent in their games? Why not have players progressively gain more xp for every consecutive game they play without exiting a lobby?

I’ve been told by players that the primary reason people quit games right before they end is to save time and get into another game quickly. Can we stifle this silly behavior by putting a very small wait (2-3 minutes) on starting another game queue if you recently quit a game in progress?

I feel like there’s a LOT of easy answers with minimal repercussions as far as the company’s concerned. Why not try one?


Gonna clarify some things here

People leave QP because it’s QP. Since there’s no weight on the outcome, no one cares about the game itself.

There is a small xp reward of like 200 xp for a consecutive match; you don’t leave the lobby, you just stay queued in through the medal pages.

People who quit games before the “defeat” screen suck. Report them, especially if someone gets backfilled in. However, if someone leaves after defeat but before POTG, they don’t technically re-enter the queue until after the initial game fully ends.


I simply don’t find “people leave qp because it’s qp” acceptible. There is weight on the outcome of the game. People still play the game with the hope of winning, although the drive for it is obviously much less than competitive.

Players are still in those games. Their time is being spent. Their time is being wasted when people leave constantly. I don’t want to sound conceited, but I believe my time has some value and “weight”.

All I’m simply looking for is more options for cutting down on people leaving during the games. I provided a few solid suggestions, willing to hear other ideas.

(And yes, I know you get a laughable amount of xp for consecutive games, as well as backfill)


It’s not acceptable, but it’s better for them to leave QP from extenuating circumstances than it is for them to leave comp.

Yes and it’s better for a man to be beaten bloody than murdered, but I’m looking for a choice beyond those 2. Surely you can appreciate the idea of cutting down on people leaving in the middle of the game.


They are punished tho?

Oh I can. But the fact is, if I’m in the middle of a QP game and the dog needs to go out, you can bet I’m going to let her out. I’m all for better rewards, better incentives for staying. But QP can’t have a hugely harsh leaver penalty like comp does. At the end of the day, it is just QP.

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I should clarify. When someone leaves at the 20 second mark of a lost game, and someone backfills in at the 10 second mark, I report the 20 second leaver for gameplay sabotage. He ruined someone else’s game, and getting a short xp penalty isn’t punishment.

What part of “don’t report them” do you not understand?

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They need to do something about leavers in QP for sure. I’m so sick of getting these useless back-fill spots again and again…

Just yesterday I saw the same Widow leave 4-5 QP’s mid game because his team lost the first point. Such a toxic behavior.

No, I will report them. The sabotaged someone’s game. XP penalty doesn’t stop anyone. I don’t report people who leave in the middle of the match, just those that leave right at the end and force someone to be backfilled into a lost game.

YOu want that to stop, find a way to fix the backfill system.

Punish leaving more harshly and you’ll just have more people being spiteful in the game they feel trapped in. I’d rather the person leave than commit to being dead weight.

Then you’re false reporting, because leaving doesn’t fit any of the “gameplay sabotage” description.

If your dogs need to go out and you leave the game. I highly doubt you’d be bothered if blizzard implemented a 3-5 minute wait before you can queue again. Any “innocent” scenario for leaving is totally understandable, and wouldn’t really suffer from my suggestions.

Gameplay sabotage is described as actively harassing or disrupting your team. I think leaving and forcing someone to backfill at the end of a lost match fits the description of harassing a teammate pretty damn well.

I’m going to be frank on this one. It doesn’t matter what you think Gameplay Sabotage is or isn’t.

Blizzard has come out and said Do not report leavers, period. End of statement.

That means if you do report a leaver, that report will

A: Be ignored

B: Take up time

C: Perhaps get YOU in trouble for false reporting.

Just don’t do it, it’s a waste of everyone’s time involved. It sucks that they left, but they’re already punished for it, and Blizzard will not punish them further for it.

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I think we can move on from the discussion about reporting… sorta off topic. My main point was that maybe we can REWARD players for being consistent and finishing their games… rather than trying to further punish leavers?

I feel like for just quickplay it’s alright as is. But I guess if I had to change it, I’d say make it so you can leave less games before a penalty (right now I think it’s something like the last 10 of 20 games). It’s a lot right now, and I don’t really care because quickplay is pretty casual to me anyways, but I know some people only play quickplay and this is a big deal to them.

But I have to say, I like knowing that if anything comes up, I won’t have a penalty. Life happens. When you can be pretty sure it won’t many of us go into comp, but I mean one example of this is kids. Their decision making isn’t fully developed and they may queue into games they have to leave. I know this isn’t every case but it’s cases like this that make me enjoy the casualness of quickplay.

That twitter post is almost a year old. They have since updated their reporting system and criteria a few times. Find me something recent, a dev explicitly saying “Leaving the game at 30 seconds and forcing someone to backfill into a losing game is not gameplay sabotage.”

Until then, I’m going to report every person who leaves at the 30 second mark and forces someone to backfill into a game that’s lost. It sucks when it happens to me, and when it happens to everyone else. It’s disruption of the person who backfill’s gameplay.

The system is garbage, and no one gets punished for it.

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