Unpopular opinion: Mercy's viability

It’s really not a nerf. It’s just a change. I may not be able to boost Widow mines (who does that?) or Torb ult, but now I don’t have to hold my beam on Hanzo all the way through his ult, which takes a long time to travel. Same for Zarya or Mei. Their ults also continuously deal damage that you’d have to keep a beam on them to fully boost. Now you can boost more things in the same amount of time for a greater overall amount of damage boosted.


Hanzo ult has not been able to be boosted for months.

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Were there patch notes to that effect? It still gives me damage ticks when I’m boosting him during the ult as of last week.


Yes, there were patch notes. They also had to fix a bug afterward because Mercy was still gaining ult charge from boosting dragons and dva bombs even though the damage boost did nothing to the damage output. I’m pretty sure there was a patch note about the hit markers too at some point but… here we are now with no damage boost or ult charge gain but with hit markers.

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And if remember this right, discord orb still boosts damage from dragons.

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It does! Discord orb is also a multiplicative damage boost rather than additive as all other damage boosts are.

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You know what I hate? When people try to use their rank as a means to give them some sort of authority on characters.

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How do you know that catering to people in ‘bronze league’ would damage the game? I’m legitimately curious about this one.

That’s not what I did. My rank doesn’t make me right; It makes me knowledgeable about what happens at that rank through first-hand experience.


This isnt really an unpopular opinion whatsoever.
It’s fairly agreed upon that Mercy while not the best healer in the game is still very much useable.

Most of the complaints regarding Mercy comes from a lack of Mercy having real carry potential / impact on a fight.
As Mercy is currently I think the only moments I feel like Mercy is making “plays” is when she’s swishing about with GA. It’s not her healing, not the res and absolutely not her ult.
When you get to bait a genjiblade out and then GA away to a relatively safe spot? That’s the top of her feeling of having an effect on the game when played as just a support.
Her healing will never save a tank/dps during a bigger fight, she can’t provide the tank with a way out of said fight and she can’t protect the tank/dps by keeping someone off them. Ana, Moira, Brig, Zen and Lucio can do atleast one of these things.

Mercy offers nothing that other supports don’t do twice as good. She has no impact and can not make plays or affect a fight in any meaningful way. That’s the issue with Mercy.
Absolutely viable but playing her you feel useless most of the time. (At least I do.)


This is exactly what it means not to be viable, especially if all the other supports really were twice as good. I don’t think you can call her unimpactful and unable to affect a fight in a meaningful way and still say she’s viable. That’s what the popular opinion seems to be.

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Well alright I’m exaggerating a little bit saying everyone else does it twice as good but every other healer utlimately are better than mercy.
They can all provide something that currently works much better for the team than what Mercy has. Zen orb massively outshines Mercys boost, Ana and Moira outshine Mercy in every fight for those pure healing numbers and Lucio brings team utility and teamsaving ability that Mercy does not have.
She still provides decent healing and can revive (Baptiste will make this one a bit obsolete because preventing a single death entirely is already 100x better)
Just because everyone else is better also does not mean she’s awful or not viable. Just means she’s not the first hero to go to.
None of her abilities have any real effect in a fight. Her healing being constant aids her in longer rage engagements where the damage isnt excessive, but her healing having what I think is a too low cap makes her unable to keep targets alive in a fight. Her ult obviously alleviates this issue but the healing still sits at a rather low cap. The added effect on it splitting off to other targets often sees little to no benefit the lower you go in ranks where teams fail to capitalize on it.

And that’s another issue I have with her, she works best in a split up team where she can fly around (as you yourself stated.) and aid people everywhere but then is punished for the team playing that way as she ults because at that point all you’re effectively getting out of it is 10 more HPS and you can fly. Doesn’t feel good when her optimal playstyle goes directly against how her “big move” functions.

Basically she places 10th in the 10 man 100 meter race in the olympics. She’s dead last but she’s still in the olympics so she’s got to be atleast somewhat good.


I don’t think any of the supports are any better or worse than the others. They all have different strengths and weaknesses.

Yes, Ana and Moira have a higher potential healing output, but they suffer from limitations that often prevent them from being able to do that.

Ana is limited by line of sight, overall mobility, accuracy, the need to sometimes use her only healing CD in an offensive way, and the fact that she has to reload.

Moira is limited by proximity to her teammates, a resource pool, vertical mobility, and a long CD on her orb, which sometimes is used offensively instead.

Zen’s discord is usually better in a team fight because all six people can benefit from it, but Mercy’s boost is better for quick picks, poking, and boosting ults because it can boost damage on ALL targets, but only from one teammate. Neither is better overall; They just have different functions.

Mercy’s limitations are max healing-per-second and the inability to put out damage while also healing. She shines in almost every other area, though, especially in mobility, flexibility, and consistency. She’s the best pick in many situations, arguably more often than any other support.

You’re right that Valkyrie doesn’t complement the rest of her kit very well. It’s kind of a jarring disconnect from it, actually. It is also vague and unintuitive. All of that is valid criticism, but I still enjoy it because of how much practice with it. I can see how new players or less-practiced ones wouldn’t enjoy it as much, though. It’s not always clear what Mercy should be doing with it. I’d understand if they made changes based on that, but I hope they don’t.


I’ll just refer you to the post that you responded to, same thing applies really. :v:

Mercys only strength is her mobility I think.

Yes moira has a resource meter but be honest that never runs out, ever. If it does then you’re playing Moira bad or your team is beyond saving really. She lacks mobility which yeah thats still Mercys only real strength.

Yes Ana does have to reload and sometimes you use her nade offensively… Is that bad? Not only does it hurt the enemy it stops ALL healing! Even just stopping one enemy from recieving any healing in a fight is much bigger than anything Mercy can offer at the click of a button. Ana being limited by line of sight also applies to Mercy and I think Anas ranged advantage outweighs that.

I disagree on her being a flexible healer as her actual healing/boosting literally is only good for longer range poke/picks. How is that flexible when she can do one thing? Yes you can also boost SOME ults and whatnot but not only will that be harder now with the changes (assuming it works the way I think it will) but it’s usually also not something you HAVE to do if the ults are being used well in the first place.

I’m still 100% certain that Mercy is a worse pick in most situations, simply for the fact that she lacks any utility that can aid your dps/tanks while not hindering your own healing too much. Also you dont force your teammate into a particular way of playing to get usefulness out of you with any other healer than Mercy.

What’s the PC equivalent of PS4 GM? Diamond?
I’ve played diamond with current mercy, it’s bad to somewhat ok.

See I’m just in plat and if I’m playing mercy as the only main healer I’m constantly telling my team especially tanks like play it safe try not to take a ton of damage cuz I’m mercy and my healing isn’t great, but they don’t listen and they get bursted down so fast it feels like the 50 hps was like 1/4 of the amount of damage they were taking or less, and it just gets frustrating. Any advice for that kind of situation?

Moira is utter trash after low Masters.

Brigitte is useless outside GOATS.

Ana, Lucio and Zen all get nerfs incoming for the next patch.

Mercy is what we know.

So I’d disagree that Supports are fine. They are getting walloped all across the board.

Only hope is the upcoming Baptiste, but I have precisely 0 doubts that he’ll get nerfed HARD as soon as GOATS stops being meta.

That’ll just make D.Va even better than she has been for the past 10 seasons.

Ana’s nerf is nearly irrelevant, lucio’s nerf is a buff for wallriding which is really good, and Zen’s nerf is only really bad for GOATS where high dps isnt really present other than Zarya.