Unpopular opinion: Mercy nerf is fine

Exactly, and Ana can shoot 1 shot every 0.8 seconds which means she shoots 1.25 shots per second. Which means her real potential HPS is more like 90, not 75.

She always has been. Her mechanics haven’t changed

And that’s the problem. Blizzard is legit saying “we cannot admit we were wrong.”

I dunno who taught them how to adult, but that isn’t it. Sometimes ya gotta pull your pants up and admit you made a bad call: Valk, was a bad call.

They’ve had plenty of good, sound suggestions from players on how to fix this–but they will not listen. Whether it be because they just flat out haven’t read the megathread, or if they’re so arrogant they believe we’re all just dumb, who’s to say?

But one thing is certain: we’ll be back here in 3 months with another Mercy nerf, because her healing isn’t the problem.

what i’m saying is mercy is easier because, unlike ana, she doesnt have to snipe allies to heal, she can just hold a button on somebody. it’s not like ana will hit every target she aims for, which is what you’re implying. not every ally can stay completely still for her to heal them.

Yeah, but it’s not even hard to hit healing shots on Allies on Ana. They’ve made it so that her Ally hitboxes are generously large compared to enemy hitboxes. Ana is my third most played hero and I find that it’s very easy to heal people, her only difficulty is her lack of self regen/defense. One of the things that makes Mercy so much stronger is her survivability. And the fact that she can erase mistakes (rez). Her healing isn’t the issue.

I agree with you here. kinda sick of arguing about this though. let’s just agree to disagree

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The reason why Mercy is picked at lower elos is because of her consistent healing. Mercy is picked at higher elos because of her damage boost and the heroes currently being used. I agree with you that res is a strong ability, but its not what pushes her to being op. Often times Mercy resurrects arent game-winning, but game-prolonging. If you know Mercy has res and you’ve just picked an enemy, if you know you cant punish the res use the time that they are down a main source of healing output to take better positioning as a team. Also, In the middle of a brawl or team-fight its not always optimal or possible for mercy to res a fallen target.

Besides, in season 10, what is a “lucky pick” anyways? Hanzo getting a kill by spamming his storm arrow?

People wouldnt have a big problem with it if Mercy had not been nerfed over and over again, Mercy fans are just angry with how Blizzard is trying to approach the situation (which is ignoring everything about Mercy)

she should be nerfed to the ground. #BringAnaBack

They have effectively nerfed Valkyrie with the upcoming nerf.

  • It will take longer to charge
  • It can’t outheal even Winston’s weapon damage

It’s becoming an expensive ultimate ability considering the potential impact it offers isn’t too significant.

Needing an additional 5,4 seconds just to heal your average team from zero to full really does make it harder to triage. Plus you can’t actively heal somebody against incoming fire with the low end heal beam.

Nerfing mercy’s core kit really hits it where it hurts, unneccesarily so. Healing is a lot more fun than ressing, healing is normally more valuable than ressing and healing should be your main job rather than ressing. Too bad, ressbotting it is since somebody will die due to lack of healing lol.

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Absolutely agree. It just levels the playing field a bit with other supports. She still has unmatched mobility, sustain and rez.

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Id say more in the aspect of getting valkyrie 17% slower through healing and her ultimate healing a possible total of -50hps every second (which means less impact)

She’s still a must pick. If your team doesn’t have a Mercy you’re at a very serious disadvantage.

Nerfing her will make her even less of a absolute must pick

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Everything about Mercy isn’t fine since the rework.
And neither is this nerf.

but she’ll still be picked over better “hps” healers cause the problem in her kit is the Resurrection that the devs keep pushing aside cause they dont know how to handle it

This is actually a very…very popular opinion.

Which is why we need a rework instead.

I would think “poor COD players” (as you so put it) would rather be in favor of the healing nerf because it means less time the enemy they are shooting stays alive. Basically, your attempt at an insult makes no sense.

Also, “math” warranted her buff when it was changed to 60 HPS.