Unpopular opinion: Mercy nerf is fine

If no one else is healing, shes a good pick to get the job done. When I pick a healer its because I have to. And besides lucio healing is boring AND difficult with the other healers (in my opinion). If the devs are so worried about people picking more variety, why wouldn’t they give a bigger upgrade to all the other healers? Especially after how many mercy reworks?

I feel They don’t really like buffing as they will end up having to hit them with the nerf hammer pretty much straight away which still takes them months to do.

You also don’t really want to buff them all due to the fact, playing against 6 supports would be unfun.

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The games might end up longer but as much as people pick tank and dps over healer it might actually balance out. But you’re right, devs would rather nerf.

I find Tank to be the unwanted role, in gold and platinum at least.

Absolutely agree. Never been too keen on mercy. Nobody seems to realise that she is actually an active counter for winston atm because she can heal at the same rate that winston does damage. So he literally can’t kill anyone if they’re being healed by mercy. No healer should be countering a hero

Pretty sure people realize that. Incidentally, Moira and Ana can also outheal a Winston. This is because Winston is not supposed to be able to 1v2 a fully pocketed player.

Well I mean the entire game is about heroes countering other heroes so

Healers aren’t supposed to counter anyone. No other healer counters anyone. You can try and say that Ana and moira counter pharah but if you’re focusing on damaging a flying egyptian who’s healing your team?

Brigitte. Twenty characters.

Yeah and everyone loves Brigitte don’t they

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I don’t care if people love Brigitte or not. It has nothing to do with your statement that “healers aren’t supposed to counter anyone.” Because clearly, that healer was designed, by Blizzard, who decides what heroes are supposed to do, with the intention of countering people. Ana and Moira are also equipped with abilities that allow them to hard-counter parts of other heroes kits. And they also outheal Winston, just like Mercy does, but I guess for some reason you’re only mad when Mercy does it.

And you’re still ignoring the actual argument.

Every main healer in the game can outheal Winston, if he ignores the healer and focuses the person they’re pocketing instead. That’s just poor Winston gameplay–he’s literally fighting 2v1 in the enemy’s backlines–and it should be punished.

If you were paying attention at all you would know that a lot of people have been mentioning that Mercy can no longer outheal a Winston, even with her ultimate. However, in every other instance, people mentioning it have brought it up as a negative aspect of the nerf, because everyone–except apparently you–understands that a Winston who plays like an idiot shouldn’t be rewarded.

They should reverse her rez ability (1 rez only) with her ult and give her valk on the other button. fixed. now hire me blizzard xD.

the nerf was deserved but rez was more of a problem than her healing

Agreed. Mercy before was the only support that could safely and reliably solo-heal for an entire team and that made her even more potent as part of a conventional support core. She’ll still be strong, but in a healthier way.

Its 2018, peeps would rather heal than tank now.

The issue is that that wasn’t the problem. Most people are fine with what was changed, but want more/something else.

The only place where this isn’t a popular opinion is the forums where you have the same 1000 quick play mercy mains crying on the forums everyday.

mercy mains make the biggest deal of everything. mercy is getting nerfed because shes the best healer in the game, and was unbalanced for a long time. nothing changed. she still has the second highest healing output per second in the game, and it’s lock on as well. isn’t it enough to have a mid fight rez? and i get getting bored of her. i will admit, she does have a watered down kit. but EVERYBODY gets bored of their mains. but you know what people do when they get bored of a hero? play someone else. do what everybody else in the game does. do y’all have to have everything?

No? She never had the second highest HPS?

Ana has 75 HPS. Moira has 80 HPS (AND a 50 HoT when she stops healing them).
Ana also had nade to burst heal her team and increase her healing by 50%. Moira has a healing orb which does 300 Healing at 75 HPS.

Mercy does 60 HPS, and now 50 HPS.

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Just a reminder that Mercy only heals and doesn’t do damage so of course she should have the best healing in the game.

ana does 75 healing per shot, not per second. mercy doesn’t have to hit shots to heal :thinking: