Unpopular opinion: Mercy nerf is fine

I mean, 60 to 50 health really isn’t that much to bring the pitchforks out and riot.


i mean whateva but she’s boring as hell to play. :slight_smile:


I think it’s less the actual nerf itself and more what they’re saying by nerfing her for the 11th time after what was supposedly a “successful” rework.


I think the frustration, at least from the Mercy side, is that this nerf really won’t do much to make her less mandatory or more enjoyable to play, but instead just makes her more frustrating and boring to play. It’s basically a slap in the face for every Mercy main who has been saying, “Hey, we’d like to revert to Mercy’s old state when she was much more balanced and fun to play.”


I agree. Also I doubt she will be more “boring” to play.
Rather she will be the same level of “boring” to play.


It comes across as a nerf that doesn’t actually accomplish anything. Like they feel like they should nerf Mercy, but they aren’t sure what they should do.

Mercy players are mad that she’s being made even more of a rez bot, and that she’s being nerfed again for like the tenth time in a row, all because of a rework that they hate.

At the same time, non-Mercy players see it as a pointless, ineffectual nerf targeting what is arguably the least problematic part of her kit (and not even hampering that very significantly).


I’m not a mercy main but let me explain the situation.
The reason why mercy is picked so much is mainly because Rez is an ability on a cooldown, it used to be an ultimate, you had to be careful about the situation before using it. Now it’s just an ability on a cooldown that forgives big mistake and nullify the impact of getting an important pick. Problem is, if a team has a mercy and another doesn’t, the team who has a mercy (which already benefits from the best healer in the game) can afford making mistakes. So Mercy is picked everywhere. Since her rework, Mercy has been nerfed countless times but as long as the problem, aka rez on a CD ability, remains the same, her pickrate/winrate isn’t likely to decrease.
Mercy just provides so much utility not to have her on your team.
Mercy mains just voice their disagreement out loud because if it continues, she’ll get another countless nerfs that will make her less fun/harder to play.


Its just a revert of her former healing before the rework and during the time Ana was powerful. It will effect certain things to a degree but it wont kick her out of the meta.

Let me know when they start nerfing Valkyrie or revert more important parts of her kit.

Who knows maybe they will make her beams lose LoS from shields and barriers. Like Ana, Lucio and Moira. :woman_shrugging:

I don’t mind the nerf except for the fact that it makes her ult EVEN MORE USELESS. If they left her heals at 60 for Valk only I think you’d get less of a negative response (outside of the Mercy mains who want mass rez back).


Tried her on PTR.

My index finger was starting to cramp from hold left click so much.


Sadly that is where the options come in to have healing beam on toggle. It will save your left click mouse button!

But honestly yeah the nerf just made it so Mercy HAS to heal more often. For big tanks like Dva it jumped her time to heal from critical health from 10 seconds to 12, without her taking more dmg btw.

This gives Mercy far less time to do anything other than heal, like dmg boost or even possibly pull out her pistol. Juggling multiple targets will also be harder as it will take a full 4 seconds to heal even a squishy 200hp dps to full from low health. Before the 180hp was “close enough” that if they weren’t at 1hp it should be enough to just give them a 2-3 second heal.

It’s not going to break the character or anything but it’s a huge hit to the ability to multi task.


so wait… making a skilless heal not the highest heal output ever is fine!?
yes, yes it is

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I think she should got hps nerf. and Attack boost buff for compensation.
I am not mercy user.

Honestly, as much as I hate to say it… We’ll never get a version of mercy that isn’t being nerfed every patch if blizzard continues to follow their balancing motto of never looking back. Valkyrie mercy is unable to be balanced. It’s just impossible. We can clearly see this with no doubts in the sheer fact that even after her entire kit has been gutted, that her res, reliable heals, and damage boost–keep her in the must pick position. She’ll only leave the meta once she’s truthfully useless in terms of stats.

She’ll only be on even footing once res is no longer on a cooldown. They won’t revert though, so we are stuck with it.


That’s not an unpopular opinion, this game is dictated by poor cod players

Also, it’s a 17% ult nerf as well. Math???


The nerf wouldn’t turn her into garbage but, it’s not what she needs, they need to make rez an earned ability (maybe a resource meter solely for rez or tie it to valkyrie etc), rez on cooldown is just too good and doesn’t require that much effort to pull off

Most people are saying that the issue with the nerf ISN’T that she will become a worse pick. She will STILL be mandatory, she is STILL required for this game is the very issue we have with this!

It’s the wrong type of nerf. The rework was a complete failure at this point almost a year later and tons of megathreads during this years time and 10 or whatever nerfs.

And this nerfing of HP/S or flight time or whatever else will not change her must pick status. It only serves to wear the character down into MORE of a healbot (more time healing, joy) and leaving them madnatory because of revive for free that is UNEARNED and UNDESERVED and freely given.

Until revive is reworked somehow it’s not going to be okay. Mercy needs a RE-REWORK on this “rework”.


I mean, I’m okay with it.


Thank you!

Until this rework is reworked again or they revert this is just going to keep happening. All that we will face is triple support compositions to make up for Mercy’s lesser healing now. And I don’t think many people want THAT of all things to happen…

The ego and stubborn pride preventing a rework has had it’s fun for nearly a year. It’s time to accept it is an abysmal failure and revert.


As much as I want mass rez back, a revert has already been stated to be out of the question.

HOWEVER, they said nothing about a rework that brings mass rez back in a more balanced state and turning valk into the watered down e it should’ve been all along.

But yea this current rework has been a massive flop (even more so then sym 2.0 and that’s saying something)