Unpopular opinion: LFG should be mandatory for comp

No one should enter comp without some level of trust in their teammates and some semblance of a plan. Comp was originally designed to be 6 stacks only, but the devs caved before it was pushed to live. But back then we didn’t have LFG, and now we do, and we have every reason to promote it’s use.


sure if they want to lose half of their playerbase they can go for that


LFG isn’t a matchmaking system. It wouldn’t work unless LFG was changed.

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LFG doesn’t show groups you can’t queue with, and there’s already the existing MM system for matching 6 stacks.

I’d go the other way, and just reward it more.

[LFG] 9 wins = 3 Lootboxes, weekly


Hmm this is actually a good idea, but I’m not sure if it will go far enough since people are likely to just queue for qp or arcade. If there are any comp benefits it would be uncertain and long term.

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I figure these rewards would be for LFG.

And you can’t use LFG in arcade.

And it’s fine if it’s used in QP, since that would make the equivalent of an unrank competitive.

Then the ppl will just make groups just for the sake of entering competitive without thinking too much about team comps.

imo competitive should be playable in only 2 ways. Solo q only and a 6 ppl queue. Having a group of 2 or 3 just ruins the whole experience by having the groups only focusing on themselves rather than the whole team.


If you believe you should only enter comp via LFG then by all means do so. Nothing is stopping you.


I’ve been duo-queuing all my Overwatch career in competitive and I’ve rarely had problems with teammates. Everyone loses games.

It would feel cliquey. Like trying to find someone to sit with at lunch when you don’t have any friends. And if people didn’t like your profile then you wouldn’t be able to find a team. I’m aware that this is an ‘unpopular opinion’ thread but your opinion would ruin the game for a lot of people.

It’s just a game; I want to search and find a game; not try to fit in with a bunch of random jerks

The game would be better off without the toxicity associated with competitive.

Encouraging the use of LFG would be a neat concept. Although I wouldn’t be able to take advantage of it since using LFG at high ranks takes 20 minutes to find a full group and the queue time is far longer.

This is kinda why I suggested making it mandatory, at very high/very low ranks, less populated regions, or off hours there’s just not enough usage.

Sounds like it would cause more problems than it solves if it were mandatory. I’d rather an encouragement system than being forced to do something.


Cool. I play off healer, main tank, and flankers. Which role do I queue for again? Not only do 6 flex LFG groups take forever to fill, it’s basically just solo queuing but you’ll play against an organized 6 stack who didn’t 6 flex. I’ll stick to solo queuing or playing with friends, thanks.

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Don’t you think it would queue up faster if more people were playing LFG?

Fun fact, apparently during alpha and beta, Competitive originally required a group of 6 to enter.

I can’t even use LFG because it doesn’t let me look for groups in the server I’m actually playing, so until that’s fixed, that’s an absolute no from me.

I don’t think cliques would ever become a problem. Considering that solo queue is still the most popular matchmaking queue at 20-something percent of all games, the cliques will basically never happen.

LFG is supposed to be Overwatch’s version of role queue, however, and it’s a wonderful tool with more transparency compared to invisible matchmakers.

There just needs to be more players into the game in order to get plentiful LFG Comp queues all day every day. It basically NEEDS to be more popular than solo queue and have more Comp lobbies than QP, but at this point the game just can’t get those sorts of numbers. Not without going free-to-play.

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