It indeed was a good time.
During “goats meta”. The most common team comp outside of pro league was 2-2-2 with every other tank able to walk through Orisa’s shields. The next one by a distant second was 3-2-1.
The things that the pros abused to give them an edge in OWL were the same things that made the tanks viable for regular players. The nerfs to goats wrecked the tanks for the general playerbase and this is where we ended up now.
2-2-2 was an attempt to make the general population follow the same meta as the pros to make them similar to balance. But balancing for fun (ladder) is not the same as balancing for skill (pros).
They never should have forced 2/2/2 unless they are going to make all the tanks OP so people will want to play them more than DPS.
Yes it was very nice to have 5 DPS comps who would blame me for not healing them while I’m trying to fly all over the map trying to heal my super spread out team as a mercy.
fun times, mhmm.
I think I’ll take the 2-2-2 even if it’s boring, just so I don’t have to experience abuse when I’m trying my hardest to make a comp work.
It’s NOT that I am against 5 DPS etc. because I’m not, it’s just. I’d rather not deal with it if I can. But I’d always try to make anything work if I can.
Ya and they all just blame the DPS now
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I think unpopular opinion is going out the window. All the people who argued with me and others who were against 2-2-2 during beta and before have oddly gone quiet.
IKR! It’s not DPS fault that this is an FPS game and the most popular heroes would obviously be the DPS.
Everyone is actually sitting here blaming the DPS for role lock etc, It’s actually so depressing to see threads made by tanks and supports, blaming them for everything and saying “they deserve the queue times”
they just outnumber the tanks and supports significantly, and there is nothing you can do really to ever fix that, it’s like it on all games that have these roles, not just OW.
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It’s not so much 222 but more of “you need these heroes” in order to win. It gets boring playing the same 6-8 or 10 tops heroes over and over. Try to pick another hero for fun and to mix it up and you risk losing the match.
They encouraged companionship, which literally almost no one in the game possesses. Gave us the ability to communicate, make our own choices, show us how each hero has their strengths and weaknesses.
iM a sYmMeTrA mAiN sO i oNlY pLaY hEr
That is how we communicate even now, believe it or not
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We have QPClassic why cant they add CompClassic
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The thing is 2/2/2 is a nice “base” composition. It’s all-around good and very flexible, but it is neither particularly strong nor particularly weak.
Part of what makes a sport like football interesting is teams changing their personnel between plays - to exploit matchups or run a particular scheme.
Forced 2/2/2 takes that away. It makes it harder to adapt when both teams are running what usually ends up being a mirrored strategy. It takes the ‘thinking’ out of the game but that’s what makes the game interesting.
People can still swap to toxic or “lmao I give up” picks. This does nothing to solve that.
Not to mention, a tank swapping off to DPS wasn’t always considered a “toxic swap”. But no, the community got it in their heads that 2/2/2 is the only viable way to go, when it wasn’t, and anyone who dared to risk changing from that was nothing more than a toxic thrower, which they weren’t.
That’s why we ended up with role queue, to satisfy the whines and the cries. It didn’t really solve anything.
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The issue wasn’t that you couldn’t win with 4 or 5 DPS, the issue was that the game just became deathmatch. I didn’t buy this game to play deathmatch. If you want to play deathmatch, play deathmatch.
I bought the game to play a team-based, role-based, objective based FPS. If I wanted CoD I would have bought CoD.
Oh yeah, calling people who disagree with you kids is so mature. Good job you Manly Man Mcadult, you sure showed dem brats their place. Now everyone will agree with you and play 1-4-1 exclusively.
This is a competitive game and should have set frames. If it doesn’t you just get a crapfest.
Wanna run 4 dps? Go play arcade.
It’s true. 2/2/2 is comp without any advantages, and without any weaknesses, in theory.
In practice, however, you won’t have perfect balance of power between roles, requiring more players on certain roles.
A healer cannot switch to dps anymore. He remains healer and does more than previoously when he swtiched off healer.
But you can lie yourself more to justify this nonsense.
Instead one says “screw this team” and starts doing damage themselves. Because if DPS can’t kill stuff, you’ve got to do it yourself.
Actually i never had this happened. But might be. Anyhow, what i saw the most happening and annoying before 222 disapeared totally.
Ofcourse there are still issues that are not solved by that but it got 1000x better.
I mean, I can still swap to Moira and just refuse to heal and instead focus on damage because “omfg dps cant kill anything”
But sure man, continue to think that just because you’re stuck in a role guarantees that you’re going to play the role the “proper” way.
Either way, you completely ignored the latter half of my post. Just because a healer swaps to a DPS doesn’t necessarily mean they’re throwing. Solo heals with triple DPS is sometimes the best option. But now we can’t do that just because people such as yourself freaked out, claiming anyone who even tried something different was throwing.
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I liked triple tank meta a lot. But I main Ana, so I’m biased. My favourite games were always the ones with the least DPS in them, where fights felt really long and intense.
That being said, I can’t put into words how much nicer the game has become as a primarily QP player since roleQ. Especially as a Support main. I don’t have to solo heal 5 DPS anymore every second match and it’s amazing.
I could probably deal with comp having no RoleQ and QP having it. In comp people want to tryhard anyways, so you don’t usually end up with really bad DPS heavy comps.