Unpopular opinion: 222 was always the most boring team comp

The issue wasn’t that you couldn’t win with 4 or 5 DPS, the issue was that the game just became deathmatch. I didn’t buy this game to play deathmatch. If you want to play deathmatch, play deathmatch.

I bought the game to play a team-based, role-based, objective based FPS. If I wanted CoD I would have bought CoD.

Oh yeah, calling people who disagree with you kids is so mature. Good job you Manly Man Mcadult, you sure showed dem brats their place. Now everyone will agree with you and play 1-4-1 exclusively.

This is a competitive game and should have set frames. If it doesn’t you just get a crapfest.

Wanna run 4 dps? Go play arcade.

It’s true. 2/2/2 is comp without any advantages, and without any weaknesses, in theory.

In practice, however, you won’t have perfect balance of power between roles, requiring more players on certain roles.

A healer cannot switch to dps anymore. He remains healer and does more than previoously when he swtiched off healer.

But you can lie yourself more to justify this nonsense.

Instead one says “screw this team” and starts doing damage themselves. Because if DPS can’t kill stuff, you’ve got to do it yourself.

Actually i never had this happened. But might be. Anyhow, what i saw the most happening and annoying before 222 disapeared totally.

Ofcourse there are still issues that are not solved by that but it got 1000x better.

I mean, I can still swap to Moira and just refuse to heal and instead focus on damage because “omfg dps cant kill anything”

But sure man, continue to think that just because you’re stuck in a role guarantees that you’re going to play the role the “proper” way.

Either way, you completely ignored the latter half of my post. Just because a healer swaps to a DPS doesn’t necessarily mean they’re throwing. Solo heals with triple DPS is sometimes the best option. But now we can’t do that just because people such as yourself freaked out, claiming anyone who even tried something different was throwing.

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I liked triple tank meta a lot. But I main Ana, so I’m biased. My favourite games were always the ones with the least DPS in them, where fights felt really long and intense.

That being said, I can’t put into words how much nicer the game has become as a primarily QP player since roleQ. Especially as a Support main. I don’t have to solo heal 5 DPS anymore every second match and it’s amazing.

I could probably deal with comp having no RoleQ and QP having it. In comp people want to tryhard anyways, so you don’t usually end up with really bad DPS heavy comps.

No, you’re not in the minority, it’s just that OWL has spoken and that’s all that matters. I’ve won games with 6 DPS too (especially when you have the best healer in the game - the payload). Honestly, I don’t care if comp is “depressing” now, but no one ever asked for 2-2-2 in QP.

And you talk about triple healer being fun, but remember when the game was bonkers because it had hero stacking? But that wasn’t esport enough, so it had to go, despite OW team calling it a “core mechanic”.

It’s called balance of team’s strength, as players aren’t equal and this has to be compensated. If, for instance, 1 tank = 3 DPS in terms of strength, you need less tanks and more DPS to have team composition, that isn’t balanced only in theory, but also in practice.

Yes you can. And? Still betteer than swaping to a dps and doing nothing.

Edit: but you cant if the other healer is playing Healer.


How is swapping to a healer and doing nothing better than swapping to a DPS and doing nothing?

You’re still doing nothing.

This is my entire point. There was never a problem to begin with, ya’ll are just so blindly faithful to the idea that 2/2/2 is the only way to go, that even if two scenarios end up the exact same, one of them is better than the other just because you decided to throw on a support.


How much have you played? I saw this type of comp WAY more than a 4+ dps comp.

You seem to not get it: it is NOT about doing nothing. They do not want to throw. They switch to dps cause they think that’s the issue and so we lose heal.

But not being able switching to something else forces them to continue their role.

It is NOT about people that then throw, meaning stopping to do anything. Those people throw no matter what you do. I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT THOSE!

The Healer switching to DPS TRYS To do something, he is just stupid.

You are confusing the people that want to do nothing with those switching the roles to do seomething, but making it worse for all.

EDIT: in 3 years of overwatch i’ve seen maybe at most 3 people that literally throw by stoping to play. That is NOT the main issue and was never.

Of course:

And even more importantly, here’s the point where the overall very positive opinion of the majority of the game’s player base is touched upon:

I am in the minority in saying this I am sure. Though I liked goats. And I still like 222. I am happy with 222 lock. (Minus the que times) even in diamond I was tired of getting teams where 4 of the team wanted to play dps and I and someone else were the only ones wanting to or willing to fill. So at least now I almost always know I get someone that wants to play their role. Which makes things less of a headache

Oh , those.

This is just devspeak. Unless it’s something absurdly catastrofic, they always say stuff like that.

I fully believe most people that are still playing like role queue, and that a bunch of people came back because of it. But I’m also sure a bunch of people left because of it, and many of them are not as vocal about it on social media. They just quit and move on.

Only Blizzard know the real numbers, and unless it’s something catastrofic, I doubt they will ever say in public that they lost more players than they recovered. Especially because many players also gave a chance to test role queue, and left after a few weeks, which was later than this post date.

Like, do you remember Mercy rework where they said it was a huge success, then followed that with 14 nerfs in a row? That was also devspeak.

People will never want to play tank no matter how op they are. People prefere the DPS role over any other role. That’s why role based shooter and games are by far less popular then games like csgo etc. except when the other roles are not so different like in ow.

Completely agree. This is why I love 222, no more annoying 4+ DPS games

Tanks simply don’t fit into FPS-MOBA games. Unlike supports, as many FPS games have medics or other supportive characters, that, for example, call airstrikes.

I mean - what tank is supposed to do? Being nearly indestructible, but also, for balance reason, lack almost all damage? Or simply being “fat DPS”, that has lots of health and firepower, but very slow and lacks mobility?

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