Unofficial "past skins" Q for Developers at BlizzConline (upvote!)

Hi all,

I wanted to make a topic that hopefully can get a lot of upvotes / likes so that maybe someone that works on the forums can send this to the Blizzard development team. Then maybe it will be addressed at the BlizzConline Q&A. This is for anyone that’s interested in past costumes:

“Is it possible in the future for Overwatch 1 or 2 that we could get previous skins that aren’t available to come back? I realize that some skins might be difficult to re-release like Pink Mercy or Lego Bastion for contractual reasons, but could we at least have the weekly event ones come back, such as the epics during Lunar New Year, Winter Wonderland, etc? Some folks weren’t able to play during this one week window and missed these, and I’d personally love to have another chance at them, maybe in the anniversary boxes or available in OW2”.

Here are the previous two threads by Violet and I, but I wanted to make a unofficial one that maybe people wouldn’t mind liking so we can get it up there for a developer to see. Thank you all!


+1 because exploiting fomo is a scummy business practice.


I dont even get why epic skins are legacy now

Bastet, Combat Medic, Marammat - They all are heavily lore related. These are their identities now.

Event epics - Just why? They are event skins, not legacies. If someone is a german (im not) they cant get a Rein skin with the colors of the german flag because it was a one time weekly event skin? Why?

Code skins - I think they will still be redeemable

All star and OWL related skins should stay as legacy imo. But let the owners of an OW1 OWL skin owner to have the skins OW2 OWL version to be free (For example a hero getting a new look so their OWL recolors will change because of their new model. So that means new OWL skins)

For Pink Mercy i would love a new charity but for me its not the skin i miss but the fact that the skin has a big advantage over the other Mercy skins. The little “ding” sound when the target got fully healed. Please give it to other Mercy skins and i think less people would demand Pink Mercy to return.


I get that they’re limited time skins but it sucks that my account couldn’t add funds in time to get the doomfist shock skin :pensive:

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There is scientific evidence backing up that FoMO causes depression and anxiety. It’s literal psychological torture and it’s so crappy that they do it.

Also @OP Pink Mercy and Lego Bastion don’t have any contracts tied to them. The only reason they haven’t brought them back is because Blizzard wants us to suffer.


Haven’t we suffered enough, Blizzard?!

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I was actually just thinking about this yesterday, I’m a real skin collector so I’d love a chance at some I’ve missed. Of course I’m sure I’ll never get a second chance with some. For example, I just couldn’t afford to spend money on videogames when the Jjonak MVP Zen skin was available.

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Didn’t even know about the ding. I just think the skin is cute.


Thanks W, yeah that’s interesting, really makes you wonder why they won’t allow them back then. Hopefully we’ll get enough likes so the topic will at least be asked or talked about at BlizzConline.

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