Unlimited Avoids or Ban One-Tricking

Blizzard please, only 3 avoids is not enough. It needs to be raised big time. Best would be unlimited. Or ban One-Tricking. I dont care how. But i have a one-tricking guy in my team every match and they just simply deserve to be avoided.


If the one trick is so bad why are they in your rank?


you’re more likely to win with a onetrick who knows his hero, than a seasonal onetrick who has zero understanding of the hero they are playing but are onetricking it this season because it’s meta.


This. One tricking / two tricking is actually genuinely better for climbing and improving if you have more limited time.


Because the ranking system and matchmaking are horrible?

good…someone who understands that "one-tricking"is usually a time thing and not a reason to make fun of people.


Maybe i need to clarify. One-Tricking in itself is ok. Until we reach the point where the enemy team is playing the counters to the hero you one-trick. At that point i expect the one-tricker to switch. If he doesnt do that and is basically throwing i want to avoid him.

depends. it’s actually pretty common for a onetrick to know exactly how to position themselves and adapt their play to defeat their counter. countering is not always instantly a reason to switch. and it’s supposed to become less and less of one as they balance the game better. so it’s really important for players to adjust to playing with whatever teammates you have. i find most of the time the real reason a hero makes it less likely to win is not counters, but teammates losing their minds completely and playing at 1% their capacity as a result whether they know it or not


One tricking makes players better not worse.

“A great leader adapts to their team. Not the other way around.”


This 100000%

People lose their minds over the Sym who won’t swap against a lone enemy pharah that they completely give up on doing anything other than flaming and inting. It’s pathetic and weak


Man i switch hero every game, never the same, and i can agree with you, you would much rather have a one trick in your game than me


Its the time we live in OP :
Where people praise lack of versatility, stubborness and leaving VC/Chats to play a Team game based on “switch to counter”.

Enjoy RQ and OTPs. Flex players already told you so :man_shrugging:


When the player is already good at everything, yes. Thats why some are called “specialists”, but most OTPs are not like that. So, No. Generally, no.

You would destroy your own matchmaking if you got your wish. They limited it specifically because they knew people would use it for frivolous reasons like one tricking.


Avoiding people won’t solve the one common denominator of every one of your losses: YOU.

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In the case they aren’t better, they still more than likely perform better on the hero they are choosing to play as opposed to trying to counterswap.


Another urban myth: Nope.
Learning curves are logarithmic mate, so no, they are not. A hitscan specialist on Plat 1 will still be equal of a Tracer OTP on Plat 1.

The more the hours go on (more experience gained) the lesser the advantage the OTP has.

As someone who plays quite literally every hero except for 2, i don’t really understand how someone can play the same hero every game. I would get so bored.


that’s literally the opposite of how specialists are formed. specialists are formed by onetricking, there are exactly zero specialists who became specialists in one hero after “being good at everything”. exactly zero.


I’ve heard urban legends that some people enjoy different things compared to others


impressive. One entire sentence where you basically said nothing.