UNFAIR! (will repost until i find justice!)


You don’t have this option? What version of Windows are you running?

I am running windows 8

It doesn’t happen to everybody. My friend who has the same exact rig as me didn’t have the issue while I did.

My rig is:

i7 7700k
8 GB DDR4-3200
GTX 1080

But this is no longer an issue for me.

Ohh I’m not sure if they had this option then. Downclocking your GPU is your best bet. When you say Intel core i3, do you mean you don’t have a dedicated GPU?

I dont think so mate

Out of curiosity, if it doesn’t happen to everyone, and your friend has an identical rig, how is it the games fault?

Edit: Side story, I run a GTX 1070 and had this issue. In my case, running DDU in safe mode and doing a full reinstall of drivers and whatnot fixed it easily for me. Thankfully, I didn’t have to do any advanced troubleshooting.

Btw, could you link the software for underclocking

The only common factor with this error is that it happens only in Overwatch. See the numerous other threads about it in Tech Support. It spans across all rigs and driver versions.


If you don’t have a dedicated GPU I don’t think it will work. Not sure what the solution for you is.

Damnnn crashes on a 1080? I run a 780 poseidon and no crashes ever, even while overclocked.

My point isn’t that it doens’t happen to people, it’s that we can’t reliably say “Blizzard has to fix it” when it isn’t easily reproduceable.

If Joe has a GTX 1080 and it works great, but Andy has a GTX 1080 and it crashes, it seems more likely that the problem is on the user’s end, rather than Blizzards in that instance.

Obviously they want the info from people to help troubleshoot it and work on compatibility as much as possible, but it’s not automatically their fault just 'cause the only program you have issues with is their product.