Unexpected Server Error affecting specific accounts

Cannot log in at all persistent error!

A. Happened 2-3 weeks ago
B. Only have one PC to check on
C. Only have one account.

help please…

i’m finally out, after about 5 days. I gues thats the ETA i didn’t do anything in specific just kept trying everyday.

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Did anyone else get their accounts fixed? How are they selecting what accounts to fix and ones not to?

my account is finally fixed. thank you very much. I hope is stays that way.

My account is also fixed thank you so much!! It’s been 4 months but it’s finally back. I hope everyone else’s accounts gets fixed too :]]]]]

My account has been released!! Good luck to your account

Cannot log in at all persistent error
A: Just happened yesterday
B: Only have the PS4 to check on
C: This is the only account
Please help

Hey again everyone,

Just as an update, the Overwatch team let us know that all of the affected accounts have been fixed up at this point. So anyone who was getting this error when logging in should be able to log in successfully once again.

Apologies again for the interruption but hopefully everyone can get back to playing!