Unbelievable, unfathomable Lucio buff. 100% speed increase

I’m floored. Nerf, dive speed. Buff Lucio’s wall ride speed 100% (RELATIVELY (percentage change folks)).

Insane change. Nuts. I don’t even know how this is possible.

Lucio is without a doubt the BEST hero at contesting points, among countless other advantages due to his personal speed.

He is going to be EXPONENTIALLY more difficult to deal with during contests and to kill of in general team fights. He is going to have a TREMENDOUS impact and will be MANDATORY in most comps.

So much for the pitiful nerf to his team speed boost.

I have no idea how this is a thing, but it’s gong to create a lot of frustrating experiences with little to no effort on the Lucio’s end.


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Wut? His speed is literally unchanged during speed song. The team gets less of a boost.

It mildly changes wall speed during heal song but that’s it.

You realize the speed song nerf also affects his own speed, right? The wall ride speed buff is meant to offset that.

I’m unsure how a 100% buff to his wall ride speed is “mild”. He’s going to be a lot more difficult to deal with.

No he’s not. He’ll be slightly harder to hit during heal song but his wall riding during his speed song HAS NOT CHANGED.

Okay. Lucio also heals. It’s a thing. He does it well.

I’m hearing a whoosh. I’m not talking about speed song.

15% of the time he’ll use heal in goats. he’s suppose to be on speed as much as he can. that’s the reason for the changes.

I’m hearing a whine. I already said he’ll be slightly harder to hit during heal song but it honestly won’t make him any harder to hit.

If you can’t hit a lucio speed song while wall riding then that’s on you. He moves in a straight, predictable line at a predictable speed. It’s predictable.


It’s not often I encounter a Lucio wall riding on an endless linear plane without obstacles.


I’m not sure OP understands how percentages work.


He’s still predictable, dude. You already know where he is going to be. You can see those obstacles in his way.

The only thing that makes Lucio ‘hard’ to hit and good at stalling is because people don’t practice hitting a wall riding Lucio and they just can’t aim in general. That’s not Lucio’s fault. That’s the player’s fault.

Your complaint is literally a case of git gud.

Lucio has been nerfed in terms of the benefit he provides to the team. In terms of his personal mobility? He’s completely unchanged during speed song and only mildly faster during heal song.

he actually feels REALLY BAD on ptr and not fluid at all

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That’s a rookie way to wall ride. You’re doing it wrong if you aren’t hopping from wall to wall (I’m not saying that you do this, I’m speaking in general terms).

True. So Lucio goes from very predictable to slightly less predictable. But my point still stands. If someone can’t hit a wall riding lucio at all… that’s on them.


Always a relevant XKCD.


Riiiiight, well I’m glad you read the patch notes.

Surprise, you didn’t read the post, or you don’t understand basic math.