Unable to unmute in social

Even I restart my game, restart my pc, and go back in, it still does not let me unmute myself. The first time happens to me. I test out my mic and it working fine.

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me too i really hope they fix it. glad to know i’m not the only one :confused:

this just happened to me a few minutes ago too and i havent been able to fix it, i reinstalled the game and reset my headset nothings worked yet. and i use toggle mute

My friend and I are getting the same issue. It isn’t giving us an auto-join message, and when we go in and double check we’re in group chat it says we are but muted. Not that our nameplates are at the top like it normally would be though.

Having the same problem in my group. Asked in general chat if anyone else was having the same problem and three people commented saying they were having trouble unmuting(like me). One of my group members was able to click unmute but overwatch doesn’t pick up any sounds. Looked through our settings to make sure there wasn’t a random switch but everything is the same as it was. We also checked other platforms to make sure it wasn’t our mics being weird but it was fine there too.