Unable to Progress in Bronze 5 Role Queue (Support)

At the beginning of this season I was placed into role queue support Bronze 5 even though I finished season 3 in bronze 4. Since season 4 started, I have won over 15 games (so my rank should have adjusted 3 times) and yet I have stayed in bronze 5 every single time. I have had many more wins than losses each time (last adjustment I went 5 wins and 1 loss [all three of the memebers in my party who were higher bronze ranked up at least 2 ranks yet i remained in bronze 5 for the third time])

The two adjustments before that I also did not exceed more than approximately 3 losses, winning 5 each time. I was topping the healing charts as well and also had high dps on many of these rounds. I was playing with friends in silver /gold so was also playing teams of higher rank.

It seems there is a bug that is making it unable for me to rank up. I know I am not the best player in the world but I have been playing since season 8 of OW1 and feel like something just isn’t right here. Has anyone else experienced this? Feels impossible to change my rank and feeling super discouraged!


You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Here is a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I’ve compiled a list of posts regarding similar bugs under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads, we must demand the Developers to give us the rewards we rightfully earned.

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Omg I am literally having the same issue!! I play support and I won 10 games TODAY!! and had 5 wins and 2 losses both times and i wont even go up a tier at all (ಥ﹏ಥ) I have been amazing getting lots of kills, almost matching dps damage, and doing crazy heals and so many saves and even after all that, I don’t go up (ಥ﹏ಥ) so I am stuck in bronze 5 til they fix this issue


exact same spot in dps… and the queues are terrible like they are out to make sure i dont rerank