All that high End hardwares just to play overwatch and to get fan-the-rightclick by Cree , or getting fisted by dumbfist or dying from stray moira orb that has been casted 10 minutes ago XD
No… Elitists are a loud minority in the PC community!
3200 is the sweet spot for Ryzen systems, Yes there is better but do not say 3200 is low end, cause its not.
Probably the RAM is doing the bottleneck
3200 for Ryzen 3000, 3600 for Ryzen 5000
Well it doesn’t matter what series since OP is using an Intel. Doesn’t take away from my disagreement. 3200 is not low tier.
Yeah, I’m sure OP didn’t fine tune timings either. When I fine tuned my ddr3 timings/freq I got something like 130 to 170 fps change in OW. It’s a game that is very susceptible to RAM. If I were to take a guess, I’d say there could be better efficiency on effect pooling, etc. Like, if you dynamically request RAM to instance and store in memory addresses, That’s gonna take away that highest percentile of FPS. If everything is loaded on ram and with a solid pooling system, that shouldn’t be an issue.
I guess they fine tuned for higher end systems but up to what was the top, 240hz. They probably felt any further development on improving performance there was diminishing returns.
No. I mean rank since we already now that’s just 2x8gb.
As I said. It depends. Bandwitch is more important for Overwatch. There are several tests you can find or you can just load several tests yourself.
Not for 390 fps.
Stop wasting power dud.
It does. 3200mhz is a good value spot, but it is not nearly enough for 390fps stable. The discussion here is the op unhappy because he’s not hitting 390 fps.
Most gamers doesn’t understand much about PC. So they read in a lot of places that ram doesn’t matter much for gaming and you better be spending your budget on a better gpu instead.
This is only true if you don’t care about ludicrous high fps values. Most gamers also don’t fine tune their games and bottleneck their own rigs with high GPU usage. Like 4k gaming for example. CPU wouldn’t matter much in this case.
So in that case, 3200mhz would be enough.
But competitive gaming at ludicrous high fps values and low settings (or high settings with low GPU usage if your gpu is high end) will never reach high fps values unless you have a very fast CPU and RAM.
I asked about the ranks on the ram on the op because it does matter a lot if he’s running 2x8gb at SR instead of DR: htt ps://w ww.igorslab.d e/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/ g
It all depends on the games. Overwatch does need a high end cpu and RAM for high fps values. A better example of a game that needs even more is ashes of singularity.
390hz gaming is not good “value” gaming.
I have a 3060ti and a 5600x, so both are the newest gen, but i have no problems staying locked at 240 with 1080 high, don’t know if it helps but here u go.
edit: went into ow and went to all low setting with 400fps limit and i hardly got more fps, couldn’t get 400 in spawn and in fights I was hovering around 260 and 300. I think the game just doesn’t like high fps on newer hardware.
What’s your ram specs ?
Question….can you even notice that FPS?
With a 390hz. Yes… Not by much and will not make you necessarily a better player. But for example, I created a topic about motion blur implementation because I’m very sensitive to stroboscopic effect, which make focusing fast targets very hard sometimes. A higher frame rate and display rate lowers this to a point that maybe it doesn’t bother anymore. At this rate, you can move at least 390 pixels of motion in a second without creating an “gap”.
It also lower the natural motion blur on the LCD caused by image persistence (an type of motion blur that it’s always bad for motion clarity).
It also lowers the input lag, or more specifically the “output lag”.
Sweet spot for Ryzen 5000 series is 100% 3600. You are thinking of ryzen 3000 series. There’s really no point in not getting at least DDR4 3600 CL16 as it’s only a bit more money and can be achieved on every Ryzen 5000 series CPU.
You may want to look for a monitor with good backlight strobing, I believe benq currently has the best implementation according to blur busters. From the images I’ve seen there’s a big different between a 240 Hz monitor without backlight strobing and a 240 Hz monitor with. Much clearer when done properly.
I just realised something if this person bought that for video/photo editing why did they buy a monitor meant for gaming? shouldn’t the purpose of a monitor for that sort of set up be focussing more on isp and the picture/colour quality
i used a benQ VA panel for both until i got a gsync monitor, and the sweetspot is becoming more possible with microLED finally arriving to prosumer space
Need an excuse for the flex naturally. However if you’re using OW to benchmark your system, you’re doing it wrong.
Enabled + boost should work. Its in the game settings.
In the grand scheme of things comparing all the way back to DDR1 memory, no it’s not. But for a modern PC on an 11th gen i7, 3200 RAM is basically bargain bin memory. 3200 is so common it’s actually cheaper than 2133.