Unable to launch Ow2

Hi! Everytime I have tried to launch OW2 on my pc I keep getting the same error. It’s saying….(C:\Windows\system32\FW1FontWrapper_x64.dll is not designed to run on windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact or system administrator or the software vendor for support. Error status 0xc0000428) this has only popped up since ow2 has been released, every other game works fine. Any suggestions to help me out? Thanks in advance.

Have you tried the “Scan and Repair” option in the Battle.net launcher? If not, I would try that first. If that does not help, re-installing the game would be the next option.

Edit: After reading another topic on the same issue, it seems like it could be caused by a possible software or GPU overclocking conflict. A couple people were using “EVGA Precision XOC”, and when they closed that, the error went away.

Another person’s issue was caused by Norton 360 virus scanner blocking OW2. They resolved that by:

In Settings, Antivirus and in “scans and risks” tab, look for the line

Items to Exclude from Auto-Protect, Script Control, Behavioral Protection and Download Intelligence Detection

Here is the link to that Blizzard thread: Overwatch.exe-Bad Image?
Hope this helps.

Every time I (and many, many others) launch Overwatch, it prompts me with “The application encountered an unrecoverable error. Click ‘OK’ to create a memory dump, then please share it on our support site.”

Okay. I got it working. I just closed out a couple apps that ran in the background. For me I’m pretty sure it was razor synapse

OMG I’m having this exact issue, can you remember anything else you did to fix it? This make absolutely no sense… I have updated OS, drivers, OW2, everything…, closed apps to bare minimum and still getting this message.

EDIT: I figured out the app was my EVGA Precision XOC GPU fan control app.

@Blizzard is there effort to fix this? This is gonna cause GPUs to fry if there’s no running software to regulate fan speed.

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