Umm. Molten core WASN"T THE PROBLEM

I have a really bad feeling about them taking Molten Core out.

Torb’s current kit is extremely good on defense, they would have to make an extremely good ult to match Torbjorn forcing him and his turret to go Super Saiyan.

Also RIP Torbjorn Super Saiyan memes.

I think ppl just don’t understand the hudge impact Molten Core is gonna have if it’s stay like that with new turret change.

Let me explain :
He can now put a lv2 turret directly and at range.
So, not hard to imagine in fight.

Engage fight, pop turret behind, ult = win.
It’s gonna be as broken as grav dragon is right now.

Dev are smart this time, let them do they work.

The reason they are doing it is because a self deploying turret and activating molten-core in the process might actually be pretty OP.

I know its off topic, but this is totally a term that Sombra would use to talk about Reaper ulting.

And I giggled a little. Thanks.

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It’s a term I’ve been using for years. My very first post was complaining about why Sombra couldn’t Hack some ults but could others, before I knew how everything worked.

Idk, when I think Torb I think turret.

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I see you too are an expert at argue straw-men!

I’m sure there are people who have said that but saying that’s the opinion of “All the Sombra players” is sort of desperate and pathetic…

Throwing around lies about other communities in order to support your own weak arguments is just sad.


level 2 torb turret on what cool down cause it will get shot pretty quick on offense like flanking.

i think a level 3 torb turret makes it immune for a long time then it can be dropped in a dangerous place or hold spots longer.

they didn’t say the ult was the problem

they said torb is a snowbally character due to his armor (torb is basically the worst hero in the game until he wins the first fight and gets his entire team armor) and that his ult is pretty powerful and can cement the snowball further

i imagine they’re trying to make him not such a “bust or break” hero and want him to be more viable overall

His ult should be another building. Maybe a orb that hovers around him and shoots people?

Its a rework, his ult needs to match his rework, its reallllly simple if you actually think about it.

Create a bastion army who guard Torb :hugs:

Ruin another character; that will fix the game. :ok_hand: Sym’s third rework is a total success they didn’t make her the worst character in the spam damage category or anything that people still get banned for playing. Lets waste everyones time changing Torb to be less viable because we take his fight winning power away so everyone can be banned for playing him even faster than before.

I got a crazy idea, but maybe let them finish the rework before you decide that what they did was bad?.. I mean so far they have said he will toss out a self upgrading turret, and they are looking at new ults because they think molten core might be a bit much with what they have in mind because it does to much. They haven’t said anything else about what will be changed. When I hear rework to me it is kind of expected that no part of the hero is sacred and is susceptible to change.

I mean im just speaking the truth.

if they weren’t typical suggestions how would you know they were exaggerations? :thinking: you cant say something is an exaggeration, and not the typical suggestion.

lol okay? I don’t care? also you are really out of touch with the game:

this is already the case in the game.

??? Yes and I’m agreeing lol?

Mercy rework: ‘Well hold on! Maybe it isn’t so bad! Wait and give it a chance!’
Hog rework: ‘Well hold on! Maybe it isn’t so bad! Wait and give it a chance!’
Huge Ana changes: ‘Well hold on! Maybe it isn’t so bad! Wait and give it a chance!’
Huge Hanzo changes: ‘Well hold on! Maybe it isn’t so bad! Wait and give it a chance!’
Sym rework: ‘Well hold on! Maybe it isn’t so bad! Wait and give it a chance!’
Sombra rework: ‘Well hold on! Maybe it isn’t so bad! Wait and give it a chance!’

But alright. Okay. Sure.
Let’s wait and see if they can break their insanely bad track record.


You cannot. If you hack the Genji in “Ryuujin no ken wo kurae”, for example, you cannot stop his ult. You can stop him from dashing and deflect, but not slashing.
Same as Bastion(he cant self heal), same as Soldier(he cannot sprint or use his rockets, but still has aimbots).

Why the lies man?

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